Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1017

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Annex II (continued) - 202- HTS SubhHding 910228.55 9102 29 60 9102 91. 20 910291.40 910 291.80 9102 99. 20 9102 99.40 9102 99.60 9102 99.80 OKsmber 17, 2001 77.St tich • 2.1%o n l»it cut * 4.9% on tnt tirap. band or bicelet 67Sttacht 2.4% on Iht cut« 1.1% on tnt tiiap, band or bficalti l.9%ont)ia movtmam and cait * 2.6% on Iht binary 32t tach t 48%onth* cast * 4.2%on Iht Dalltiy 57t tach.. 4.5% on Iht cast • 3.9% on Iht btntry lOt tach * 1.5%onth» eait 2002 Fr tt Frtt Frtt 24( tach « 3.6% on Iha cast * 3.1%on Iha batitrv 3e« tach t 3% onIha cttt • 2.6% on Iht binary Frtt 69( tach * 46( tach « 2.2% on Iht 1.5%ontha caa t c* tt 58( ttch « 3% on Iht casa M095tach« 3% on tht caat 9103 10.20 1.3%onlhe mov«m«nt and cut'f 1.6% on thabattsiv Frt t Frt t Frt t 2003 Fret Frtt Frt t I6ttach<. 24%onIha cast«21%on Iht baltery t9«aach» 1,5% on Iht cttt« 1.3% on Iht bitwiY Free 23( tach •. 07%onIht cas t Fre a Fret Fr at 2004 Fr tt Frt t Frtt ectch* 12% on Iht cttt • 1% on Iht banerv Frt t Frtt F ret Frt t Fr tt Frt t 200S Frt t Frt t Frt t Frt t F rtt Fr tt Frt t Frtt FfM Frt t 200 6 Frtt Frt t FfM Frt t Free Frt t = ree Frtt Frtt Frtt 2007 Frtt Frt t Frt t Fr et Fr tt Frt t Frt t Frt t Frt t Frt t 2008 Frt t Fi »t Frt t Frt t Frt t Frt t Fr tt Frt t Fret Fm 2009 Fret Frte F -tt Frtt Frt t Frt t Frt t Fr tt Fr tt Fr tt 2010 Frt t Fret Frt t Free Fr tt Frt t F-tt Fret Fr te Free o o t—( o 2; en bO I a w o to o o en