Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/804

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115 STAT. 2878 PROCLAMATION 7512—DEC. 7, 2001 Annex I (continued) -2- (A) ttia cost or value ol the malefials produced in Jordan, plus (B) ths direct costs (Aprocessingoperations performed in Jordan. is not less than 35 percent ol the appraised value of such articla at the time it is entered. II the cost or value o( materials produced in ttw customs territocy ot the United States is included with respect lo an article to iwliichttils subdivision applies, an airxwnl not to exceed 15 percent ct the appraised value ol the anide at the time It Is entered thai Is altributalite to such United States cost or value may be applied toward determiningthe percentage relerred to in ttis sutjdtvision. (ill) No article may be considered lo meet the requirements ol this note by vMue ol having merely undaigone- (A) slmpla combining or packaging opatBtions, or (B) mare dllulion with water or mere dilution with another substance that does not materialy alter the characteristics ol the article. (IV) For purposes at subdivision (ii)(A), the term "cost or value ot the materials' includa»- (A) the manufacturer's actual cost for the materials, <B) wfien not included in the manufacturer's actual cost lor the materials, the freight, insurance, padting and al other coats incurred In transporting tfie materials lo the manufacturer's plartf, (C) tfie actual cost of vrasle or spoNage (nwtsrial list), less Hie value of recoverable scrap, and (D) taxes and/or duties imposed on tfte materials by a party to the Agreement, provided they are not remitted upon exportalloa Wfien a material Is provided to the manufactutar without charge, or at less tftan fair market value, its cost or value shall be determined by compuling the sum «4 (I) all e^enses incurred inthe growth, production or manufacturer of the material, including general eipenses; (II) an amount fix profit: and (III) freigfit, insurance, padiing. and all otfiar costs incurred in transporUng the rrulerial to the manufacturer's plai*. If the pertinent Information b not available, the appraising officer may ascertain or estlmale ttw v^lua thereof using an reasonable ways and means at his disposal. (V) For purposes ot subdivision (ii)(B), ttw temi Mired costs of procassinQ ooerationer performed w\ Jorrten means tfiose costs sMier directly incurred in, or which can be reasonably alocated to, the growtli, productkxi, manufacture or assembly of tfie goods entered under the terms of sulidli^icn (a) d ttiis note. That term induiies, but is not limited to, tfie trjtkxMng. to the eidert that they are incluifibie intfie appraised value of goods Imponal into the customs tenltary of ths Unltal Slala»- (A) aHactual labor costs involved in the growth, productioa manutactura or assemlily ot the specific merctiandise, Includingfringe benefits, on-the-job training and tfie cost at engineering, supervisory, quality oonttoland similar personnel, and (8) dtos. molds, tooting and depreciation on machinery and equipment which are allocable to the speciflc merdiandise, (C) rasaanch. devskipment. design, engineering and blueprint costs insofar as they are alkxable to the specific artide, and (D) costs of inspecting and tasting Hie spedflc article; but tfiat tenn does not indude costs which are not directly attrfbutatile to the merdiandise concerned, or are not costs of manufacturing the product, such as (I) profit, and (II) general expenses d doing tHjsiness which are either not allocable lo the specific merchandise or are not related to the growth, producton. manufadure or assembly d tfie mercfiandise, such as adminislrafive saiariee, casuaRy andliablWy Insurance, advattising and salesmen's salaries, commissions or expenses. (vi) For purposes d sutidivision (b)(i) d this nde, exospt for goods covered by Ifie previsions of siMhisien (d) d this note, (tie term 'imperted diradlV means-