Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 2.djvu/167

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PUBLIC LAW 107-210—AUG. 6, 2002 116 STAT. 949 Deadline. Federal Register, publication. 19 USC 2401d. "SEC. 294. STUDY BY SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE WHEN INTER- 19 USC 2401c. NATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION BEGINS INVESTIGATION. "(a) IN GENERAL. —Whenever the International Trade Commission (in this chapter referred to as the 'Commission') begins an investigation under section 202 with respect to an agricultural commodity, the Commission shall immediately notify the Secretary of the investigation. Upon receipt of the notification, the Secretary shall immediately conduct a study of— "(1) the number of agricultural commodity producers producing a like or directly competitive agricultural commodity who have been or are likely to be certified as eligible for adjustment assistance under this chapter, and "(2) the extent to which the adjustment of such producers to the import competition may be facilitated through the use of existing programs. "(b) REPORT.— Not later than 15 days after the day on which the Commission makes its report under section 202(f), the Secretary shall submit a report to the President setting forth the findings of the study described in subsection (a). Upon making the report to the President, the Secretary shall also promptly make the report public (with the exception of information which the Secretary determines to be confidential) and shall have a summary of the report published in the Federal Register. '*SEC. 295. BENEFIT INFORMATION TO AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY PRODUCERS. "(a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall provide full information to agricultural commodity producers about the benefit allowances, training, and other employment services available under this title and about the petition and application procedures, and the appropriate filing dates, for such allowances, training, and services. The Secretary shall provide whatever assistance is necessary to enable groups to prepare petitions or applications for program benefits under this title. " (b) NOTICE OF BENEFITS. — "(1) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall mail written notice of the benefits available under this chapter to each agricultural commodity producer that the Secretary has reason to believe is covered by a certification made under this chapter. "(2) OTHER NOTICE.— The Secretary shall publish notice Publication, of the benefits available under this chapter to agricultural commodity producers that are covered by each certification made under this chapter in newspapers of general circulation in the areas in which such producers reside. "(3) OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary shall also provide information concerning procedures for applying for and receiving all other Federal assistance and services available to workers facing economic distress. "SEC. 296. QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL COM- 19 USC 2401e. MODITY PRODUCERS. "(a) IN GENERAL. — "(1) REQUIREMENTS. —Payment of a trade adjustment allowance shall be made to an adversely affected agricultural commodity producer covered by a certification under this chapter who files an application for such allowance within 90 days after the date on which the Secretary makes a determination