Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/167

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PUBLIC LAW 107-273—NOV. 2, 2002 116 STAT. 1759 Sec. 402. Establishment of Violence Against Women Office. Sec. 403. Effective date. DIVISION B—MISCELLANEOUS DIVISION TITLE I—BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF AMERICA Sec. 1101. Boys and Girls Clubs of America. TITLE II—DRUG ABUSE EDUCATION, PREVENTION, AND TREATMENT ACT OF 2002 Sec. 2001. Short title. Subtitle A—Drug-Free Prisons and Jails Sec. 2101. Use of residential substance abuse treatment grants to provide for services during and after incarceration. Sec. 2102. Jail-based substance abuse treatment programs. Sec. 2103. Mandatory revocation of probation and supervised release for failing a drug test. Subtitle B—Treatment and Prevention Sec. 2201. Report on drug-testing technologies. Sec. 2202. Drug and substance abuse treatment, prevention, education, and research study. Sec. 2203. Drug abuse and addiction research. Subtitle C—Drug Courts Sec. 2301. Drug courts. Sec. 2302. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 2303. Study by the General Accounting Office. Subtitle D—Program for Successful Reentry of Criminal Offenders Into Local Communities CHAPTER 1—^POST INCARCERATION VOCATIONAL AND REMEDIAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR INMATES Sec. 2411. Post incarceration vocational and remedial educational opportunities for inmates. CHAPTER 2—STATE REENTRY GRANT PROGRAMS Sec. 2421. Amendments to the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 2501. Amendment to Controlled Substances Act. Sec. 2502. Study of methamphetamine treatment. Sec. 2503. Authorization of funds for DEA police training in South and Central Asia. Sec. 2504. United States-Thailand drug prosecutor exchange program. TITLE III—SAFEGUARDING THE INTEGRITY OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Sec. 3001. Increasing the penalty for using physical force to tamper with witnesses, victims, or informants. Sec. 3002. Correction of aberrant statutes to permit imposition of both a fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3003. Reinstatement of counts dismissed pursuant to a plea agreement. Sec. 3004. Appeals from certain dismissals. Sec. 3005. Clarification of length of supervised release terms in controlled substance cases. Sec. 3006. Authority of court to impose a sentence of probation or supervised release when reducing a sentence of imprisonment in certain cases. Sec. 3007. Clarification that making restitution is a proper condition of supervised release. TITLE IV—CRIMINAL LAW TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2002 Sec. 4001. Short title. Sec. 4002. Technical amendments relating to criminal law and procedure. Sec. 4003. Additional technicals. Sec. 4004. Repeal of outmoded provisions.