Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/180

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116 STAT. 1772 PUBLIC LAW 107-273—NOV. 2, 2002 that jurisdiction) established by a final decision of any court of, or superior to those of, that jurisdiction, respecting the interpretation, construction, or application of the Constitution, any statute, rule, regulation, program, policy, or other law whose enforcement, application, or administration is within the responsibility of the Attorney General or such officer; "(B) determines— "(i) to contest affirmatively, in any judicial, administrative, or other proceeding, the constitutionality of any provision of any Federal statute, rule, regulation, program, policy, or other law; or "(ii) to refrain (on the grounds that the provision is unconstitutional) from defending or asserting, in any judicial, administrative, or other proceeding, the constitutionality of any provision of any Federal statute, rule, regulation, program, policy, or other law, or not to appeal or request review of any judicial, administrative, or other determination adversely affecting the constitutionality of any such provision; or "(C) approves (other than in circumstances in which a report is submitted to the Joint Committee on Taxation, pursuant to section 6405 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) the settlement or compromise (other than in bankruptcy) of any claim, suit, or other action— "(i) against the United States (including any agency or instrumentality thereof) for a sum that exceeds, or is likely to exceed, $2,000,000, excluding prejudgment interest; or "(ii) by the United States (including any agency or instrumentality thereof) pursuant to an agreement, consent decree, or order (or pursuant to any modification of an agreement, consent decree, or order) that provides injunctive or other nonmonetary relief that exceeds, or is likely to exceed, 3 years in duration: Provided, That for purposes of this clause, the term "injunctive or other nonmonetary relief shall not be understood to include the following, where the same are a matter of public record— "(I) debarments, suspensions, or other exclusions from Government contracts or grants; "(II) mere reporting requirements or agreements (including sanctions for failure to report); "(III) requirements or agreements merely to , comply with statutes or regulations; "(IV) requirements or agreements to surrender professional licenses or to cease the practice of professions, occupations, or industries; "(V) any criminal sentence or any requirements or agreements to perform community service, to serve probation, or to participate in supervised release from detention, confinement, or prison; or "(VI) agreements to cooperate with the government in investigations or prosecutions (whether or not the agreement is a matter of public record).