Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/200

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116 STAT. 1792 PUBLIC LAW 107-273—NOV. 2, 2002 Drug Abuse Education, Prevention, and Treatment Act of 2002. TITLE II—DRUG ABUSE EDUCATION, PREVENTION, AND TREATMENT ACT OF 2002 42 USC 3711 note. SEC. 2001. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "Drug Abuse Education, Prevention, and Treatment Act of 2002". Subtitle A—Drug-Free Prisons and Jails 42 USC 3796ff-l. 42 USC 3796flF-3. SEC. 2101. USE OF RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT GRANTS TO PROVIDE FOR SERVICES DURING AND AFTER INCARCERATION. Section 1901 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796ff) is amended by adding at the end the following: "(c) ADDITIONAL USE OF FUNDS. — States that demonstrate that they have existing in-prison drug treatment programs that are in compliance with Federal requirements may use funds awarded under this part for treatment and sanctions both during incarceration and after release.". SEC. 2102. JAIL-BASED SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS. Part S of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 is amended— (1) in section 1901(a)— (A) by striking "purpose of developing" and inserting the following: "purpose of— "(1) developing"; and (B) striking the period at the end and inserting "; and"; and (C) by adding at the end the following: "(2) encouraging the establishment and maintenance of drug-free prisons and jails."; (2) in section 1902, by adding at the end the following: "(f) USE OF GRANT AMOUNTS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL AFTERCARE SERVICES. —^A State may use amounts received under this part to provide nonresidential substance abuse treatment aftercare services for inmates or former inmates that meet the requirements of subsection (c), if the chief executive officer of the State certifies to the Attorney General that the State is providing, and will continue to provide, an adequate level of residential treatment services. "; and (3) in section 1904, by adding at the end the following: "(c) LOCAL ALLOCATION.—At least 10 percent of the total amount made available to a State under section 1904(a) for any fiscal year shall be used by the State to make grants to local correctional and detention facilities in the State (provided such facilities exist therein), for the purpose of assisting jail-based substance abuse treatment programs that are effective and sciencebased established by those local correctional facilities.".