Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/545

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PUBLIC LAW 107-296—NOV. 25, 2002 116 STAT. 2137 Sec. 461. Application of Internet-based technologies. Sec. 462. Children's affairs. Subtitle F—General Immigration Provisions Sec. 471. Abolishment of INS. Sec. 472. Voluntary separation incentive payments. Sec. 473. Authority to conduct a demonstration project relating to disciplinary action. Sec. 474. Sense of Congress. Sec. 475. Director of Shared Services. Sec. 476. Separation of funding. Sec. 477. Reports and implementation plans. Sec. 478. Immigration functions. TITLE V—EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE Sec. 501. Under Secretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response. Sec. 502. Responsibilities. Sec. 503. Functions transferred. Sec. 504. Nuclear incident response. Sec. 505. Conduct of certain public health-related activities. Sec. 506. Definition. Sec. 507. Role of Federal Emergency Management Agency. Sec. 508. Use of national private sector networks in emergency response. Sec. 509. Use of commercially available technology, goods, and services. TITLE VI—TREATMENT OF CHARITABLE TRUSTS FOR MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Sec. 601. Treatment of charitable trusts for members of the Armed Forces of the United States and other governmental organizations. TITLE VII—MANAGEMENT Sec. 701. Under Secretary for Management. Sec. 702. Chief Financial Officer. Sec. 703. Chief Information Officer. Sec. 704. Chief Human Capital Officer. Sec. 705. Establishment of Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Sec. 706. Consolidation and co-location of offices. TITLE VIII—COORDINATION WITH NON-FEDERAL ENTITIES; INSPECTOR GENERAL; UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE; COAST GUARD; GENERAL PROVISIONS Subtitle A—Coordination with Non-Federal Entities Sec. 801. Office for State and Local Government Coordination. Subtitle B—Inspector General Sec. 811. Authority of the Secretary. Sec. 812. Law enforcement powers of Inspector General agents. Subtitle C—United States Secret Service Sec. 821. Functions transferred. Subtitle D—Acquisitions Sec. 831. Research and development projects. Sec. 832. Personal services. Sec. 833. Special streamlined acquisition authority. Sec. 834. Unsolicited proposals. Sec. 835. Prohibition on contracts with corporate expatriates. Subtitle E—Human Resources Management Sec. 841. Establishment of Human Resources Management System. Sec. 842. Labor-management relations. Subtitle F—Federal Emergency Procurement Flexibility Sec. 851. Definition. Sec. 852. Procurements for defense against or recovery from terrorism or nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack. 99-194O-03-18:QL3Part3