Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/580

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116 STAT. 2172 PUBLIC LAW 107-296—NOV. 25, 2002 of the Department until at least 30 days after the transmittal of the report required by paragraph (3)(E). 6 USC 189. SEC. 309. UTILIZATION OF DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NATIONAL LAB- ORATORIES AND SITES IN SUPPORT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ACTIVITIES. (a) AUTHORITY TO UTILIZE NATIONAL LABORATORIES AND SITES.— (1) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out the missions of the Department, the Secretary may utilize the Department of Energy national laboratories and sites through any 1 or more of the following methods, as the Secretary considers appropriate: (A) A joint sponsorship arrangement referred to in subsection (b). (B) A direct contract between the Department and the applicable Department of Energy laboratory or site, subject to subsection (c). (C) Any "work for others" basis made available by that laboratory or site. (D) Any other method provided by law. (2) ACCEPTANCE AND PERFORMANCE BY LABS AND SITES.— Notwithstanding any other law governing the administration, mission, use, or operations of any of the Department of Energy national laboratories and sites, such laboratories and sites are authorized to accept and perform work for the Secretary, consistent with resources provided, and perform such work on an equal basis to other missions at the laboratory and, not on a noninterference basis with other missions of such laboratory or site. (b) JOINT SPONSORSHIP ARRANGEMENTS.— (1) LABORATORIES. —The Department may be a joint sponsor, under a multiple agency sponsorship arrangement with the Department of Energy, of 1 or more Department of Energy national laboratories in the performance of work. (2) SITES. —The Department may be a joint sponsor of a Department of Energy site in the performance of work as if such site were a federally funded research and development center and the work were performed under a multiple agency sponsorship arrangement with the Department. (3) PRIMARY SPONSOR. —The Department of Energy shall be the primary sponsor under a multiple agency sponsorship arrangement referred to in paragraph (1) or (2). (4) LEAD AGENT. — The Secretary of Energy shall act as the lead agent in coordinating the formation and performance of a joint sponsorship arrangement under this subsection between the Department and a Department of Energy national laboratory or site. (5) FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION.— Any work performed by a Department of Energy national laboratory or site under a joint sponsorship arrangement under this subsection shall comply with the policy on the use of federally funded research and development centers under the Federal Acquisition Regulations. (6) FUNDING.— The Department shall provide funds for work at the Department of Energy national laboratories or