PUBLIC LAW 107-296—NOV. 25, 2002 116 STAT. 2305 which the flight is being conducted, the individual designated as second in command.". (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. — (1) CHAPTER ANALYSIS. —The analysis for such chapter is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 44920 the following: "44921. Federal flight deck officer program.". (2) FLIGHT DECK SECURITY.— Section 128 of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (Public Law 107-71) is repealed. (c) FEDERAL AIR MARSHAL PROGRAM.— (1) SENSE OF CONGRESS.— It is the sense of Congress that the Federal air marshal program is critical to aviation security. (2) LIMITATION ON STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION.— Nothing in this Act, including any amendment made by this Act, shall be construed as preventing the Under Secretary of Transportation for Security from implementing and training Federal air marshals. SEC. 1403. CREW TRAINESfG. -Section 44918(e) of title 49, United States 'The Administrator" and inserting the fol- (a) IN GENERAL. Code, is amended— (1) by striking lowing: "(1) IN GENERAL.—The Under Secretary"; (2) by adding at the end the following: "(2) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS.— In updating the training guidance, the Under Secretary, in consultation with the Administrator, shall issue a rule to— "(A) require both classroom and effective hands-on situational training in the following elements of self defense: "(i) recognizing suspicious activities and determining the seriousness of an occurrence; "(ii) deterring a passenger who might present a problem; "(iii) crew communication and coordination; "(iv) the proper commands to give to passengers and attackers; "(v) methods to subdue and restrain an attacker; "(vi) use of available items aboard the aircraft for self-defense; "(vii) appropriate and effective responses to defend oneself, including the use of force against an attacker; "(viii) use of protective devices assigned to crew members (to the extent such devices are approved by the Administrator or Under Secretary); "(ix) the psychology of terrorists to cope with their behavior and passenger responses to that behavior; and "(x) how to respond to aircraft maneuvers that may be authorized to defend against an act of criminal violence or air piracy; "(B) require training in the proper conduct of a cabin search, including the duty tinie required to conduct the search; 49 USC 44903 note. 6 USC 513. Regulations.