Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/846

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116 STAT. 2438 PUBLIC LAW 107-306—NOV. 27, 2002 research and development activities to ensure a unified and coherent research and development program across the entire intelligence community. 50 USC 401 note. SEC. 1002. NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS OF THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. (a) ESTABLISHMENT. —There is established a commission to be known as the "National Commission for the Review of the Research and Development Programs of the United States Intelligence Community (in this title referred to as the "Commission"). (b) COMPOSITION. — The Commission shall be composed of 12 members, as follows: (1) The Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Community Management. (2) A senior intelligence official of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, as designated by the Secretary of Defense. (3) Three members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, in consultation with the Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, one from Members of the Senate and two from private life. (4) Two members appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, in consultation with the Vice Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, one from Members of the Senate and one from private life. (5) Three members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the Chairman, of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives, one from Members of the House of Representatives and two from private life. (6) Two members appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the ranking member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives, one from Members of the House of Representatives and one from private life. (c) MEMBERSHIP.— (1) The individuals appointed from private life as members of the Commission shall be individuals who are nationally recognized for expertise, knowledge, or experience in— (A) research and development programs; (B) technology discovery and insertion; (C) use of intelligence information by national policjnnakers and military leaders; or (D) the implementation, funding, or oversight of the national security policies of the United States. (2) An official who appoints members of the Commission may not appoint an individual as a member of the Commission if, in the judgment of the official, such individual possesses any personal or financial interest in the discharge of any of the duties of the Commission. (3) All members of the Commission appointed from private life shall possess an appropriate security clearance in accordance with applicable laws and regulations concerning the handling of classified information. (d) CO-CHAIRS. —(1) The Commission shall have two co-chairs, selected from among the members of the Commission.