Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/134

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116 STAT. 2562 PUBLIC LAW 107-314—DEC. 2, 2002 (3) Each current lead on the status of Michael Scott Speicher, including an assessment of the utility of such lead in resolving the status of Michael Scott Speicher. (4) Any cooperation with nongovernmental organizations or international organizations in resolving the status of Michael Scott Speicher, including the results of such cooperation. (d) FORM OF REPORTS.— Each report under subsection (a) shall be submitted in classified or unclassified form. To the extent submitted in classified form, such report shall include an unclassified summary. (e) DURATION.—The requirement to submit reports under this section shall cease to be effective upon a final determination regarding the status of Michael Scott Speicher by the Secretary of Defense. SEC. 584. REPORT ON VOLUNTEER SERVICES OF MEMBERS OF THE RESERVE COMPONENTS IN EMERGENCY RESPONSE TO THE TERRORIST ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. Deadline. (a) REQUIREMENT FOR REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives a report on volunteer services described in subsection (b) that were provided by members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces, while not in a duty status pursuant to orders, during the period of September 11 through September 14, 2001. The report shall include a discussion of any recognition that the Secretary considers appropriate for those members regarding the provision of such services. (b) COVERED VOLUNTEER SERVICES.— The volunteer services referred to in subsection (a) are volunteer services of a military- unique nature that were provided— (1) in the vicinity of the site of the World Trade Center, New York, New York, in support of emergency response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001; (2) in the vicinity of the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, in support of emergency response to the terrorist attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001; or (3) in the vicinity of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in support of emergency response to the terrorist-caused crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on September 11, 200L TITLE VI—COMPENSATION AND OTHER PERSONNEL BENEFITS Subtitle A—Pay and Allowances Sec. 601. Increase in basic pay for fiscal year 2003. Sec. 602. Basic allowance for housing in cases of low-cost or no-cost moves. Sec. 603. Rate of basic allowance for subsistence for enlisted personnel occupying single Government quarters without adequate availability of meals. Subtitle B—Bonuses and Special and Incentive Pays Sec. 611. One-year extension of certain bonus and special pay authorities for reserve forces. Sec. 612. One-year extension of certain bonus and special pay authorities for certain health care professionals. Sec. 613. One-year extension of special pay and bonus authorities for nuclear offi-