Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/301

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PUBLIC LAW 107-314—DEC. 2, 2002 116 STAT. 2729 Sec. 3157. Accelerated disposition of highly enriched uranium. Sec. 3158. Strengthened international security for nuclear materials and security of nu clear operations. Sec. 3159. Export control programs. Sec. 3160. Plan for accelerated return of weapons-usable nuclear materials. Sec. 3161. Sense of Congress on amendment of Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials. Sec. 3162. Sense of Congress on program to secure stockpiles of highly enriched uranium and plutonium. Subtitle D—Other Matters Sec. 3171. Indemnification of Department of Energy contractors. Sec. 3172. Support for public education in the vicinity of Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. Sec. 3173. Worker health and safety rules for Department of Energy nuclear facilities. Sec. 3174. Extension of authority to appoint certain scientific, engineering, and technical perso n nel. Sec. 3175. One-year extension of panel to assess the reliability, safety, and security of the United States nuclear stockpile. Sec. 3176. Report on status of environmental management initiatives to accelerate the reduction of environmental risks and challenges posed by the legacy of the Cold War. Subtitle E—Disposition of Weapons-Usable Plutonium at Savannah River, South Carolina Sec. 3181. Findings. Sec. 3182. Disposition of weapons-usable plutonium at Savannah River Site. Sec. 3183. Study of facilities for storage of plutonium and plutonium materials at Savannah River Site. Subtitle A—National Security Programs Authorizations SEC. 3101. NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRATION. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Energy for fiscal year 2003 for the activities of the National Nuclear Security Administration in carrying out programs necessary for national security in the amount of $8,038,490,000, to be allocated as follows: (1) For weapons activities, $5,901,641,000. (2) For defense nuclear nonproliferation activities, $1,104,130,000. (3) For naval reactors, $706,790,000. (4) For the Office of the Administrator for Nuclear Security, $325,929,000. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF NEW PLANT PROJECTS.— From funds referred to in subsection (a) that are available for carrying out plant projects, the Secretary of Energy may carry out new plant projects as follows: (1) For weapons activities, the following new plant projects: Project 03-D -lOl, Sandia underground reactor facility (SURF), Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, $2,000,000. Project 03-D-103, project engineering and design, various locations, $17,039,000. Project 03-D -121, gas transfer capacity expansion, Kansas City Plant, Kansas City, Missouri, $4,000,000. Project 03-D-122, prototype purification facility, Y- 12 plant. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $20,800,000. Project 03-D -123, special nuclear materials requalification, Pantex plant, Amarillo, Texas, $3,000,000.