Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/471

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PUBLIC LAW 107-347—DEC. 17, 2002 116 STAT. 2899 Public Law 107-347 107th Congress An Act To enhance the management and promotion of electronic Government services and processes by estabhshing a Federal Chief Information Officer within the Office Dec. 17, 2002 of Management and Budget, and by establishing a broad framework of measures [jj.R. 2458] that require using Internet-based iiiformation technology to enhance citizen access to Government information and services, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, E-Government _ _ Act of 2002. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SHORT TITLE. —T his Act may be cited as the "E-Government 44 USC lOi note. Act of 2002". (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.— The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Findings and purposes. TITLE I—OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT SERVICES Sec. 101. Management and promotion of electronic government services. Sec. 102. Conforming amendments. TITLE II—FEDERAL MANAGEMENT AND PROMOTION OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT SERVICES Sec. 201. Definitions. Sec. 202. Federal agency responsibilities. Sec. 203. Compatibility of executive agency methods for use and acceptance of electronic signatures. Sec. 204. Federal Internet portal. Sec. 205. Federal courts. Sec. 206. Regulatory agencies. Sec. 207. Accessibility, usability, and preservation of government information. Sec. 208. Privacy provisions. Sec. 209. Federal information technology workforce development. Sec. 210. Share-in-savings initiatives. Sec. 211. Authorization for acquisition of information technology by State and local governments through Federal supply schedules. Sec. 212. Integrated reporting study and pilot projects. Sec. 213. Community technology centers. Sec. 214. Enhancing crisis management through advanced information technology. Sec. 215. Disparities in access to the Internet. Sec. 216. Common protocols for geographic information systems. TITLE III—INFORMATION SECURITY Sec. 301. Information security. Sec. 302. Management of information technolojgy. Sec. 303. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Sec. 304. Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board. Sec. 305. Technical and conforming amendments. TITLE IV—AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS AND EFFECTRTE DATES Sec. 401. Authorization of appropriations.