Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/2573

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[117 STAT. 2554]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 2554]

117 STAT. 2554

PUBLIC LAW 108–176—DEC. 12, 2003

authority under this subsection, the Attorney General submits to the Secretary a written objection to such action, including reasons for such objection, the Secretary may exempt an air carrier’s or foreign air carrier’s activities that are necessary to participate in the pilot program under this section from the antitrust laws for the sole purpose of participating in the pilot program. Such exemption shall not extend to any discussions, agreements, or activities outside the scope of the pilot program. ‘‘(2) ANTITRUST LAWS DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘antitrust laws’ has the meaning given that term in the first section of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 12). ‘‘(i) CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY GENERAL.—The Secretary shall consult with the Attorney General regarding the design and implementation of the pilot program, including determining whether a limit should be set on the number of occasions collaborative decisionmaking could be employed during the initial 2-year period of the pilot program. ‘‘(j) EVALUATION.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Before the expiration of the 2-year period for which the pilot program is authorized under subsection (b), the Administrator shall determine whether the pilot program has facilitated more effective use of air traffic capacity and the Secretary, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, shall determine whether the pilot program has had an adverse effect on airline competition or the availability of air services to communities. The Administrator shall also examine whether capacity benefits resulting from the participation in the pilot program of an airport resulted in capacity benefits to other parts of the national airspace system. ‘‘(2) OBTAINING NECESSARY DATA.—The Administrator may require participating air carriers and airports to provide data necessary to evaluate the pilot program’s impact. ‘‘(k) EXTENSION OF PILOT PROGRAM.—At the end of the 2-year period for which the pilot program is authorized, the Administrator, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, may continue the pilot program for an additional 2 years and expand participation in the program to up to 7 additional airports if the Administrator determines pursuant to subsection (j) that the pilot program has facilitated more effective use of air traffic capacity and if the Secretary, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, determines that the pilot program has had no adverse effect on airline competition or the availability of air services to communities. The Administrator shall select the additional airports to participate in the extended pilot program in the same manner in which airports were initially selected to participate.’’. (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The analysis for chapter 401 is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘40129. Collaborative decisionmaking pilot program.’’. SEC. 424. COMPETITION DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT FOR LARGE AND MEDIUM HUB AIRPORTS.

Section 47107 is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(s) COMPETITION DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Transportation may approve an application under this subchapter for an airport development project grant for a large hub airport or a medium

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