Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/101

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118 STAT. 71 PUBLIC LAW 108–199—JAN. 23, 2004 heading are available to alter the existing structure, organization, function, and funding of the National Marine Fisheries Service Southwest Region and Fisheries Science Center and Northwest Region and Fisheries Science Center: Provided further, That, here after, the Secretary of Commerce may enter into cooperative agree ments with the Joint and Cooperative Institutes as designated by the Secretary to use the personnel, services, or facilities of such organizations for research, education, training, and outreach: Provided further, That of the amounts appropriated under this heading, $1,207,000 shall be transferred to and merged with funds appropriated under the heading, ‘‘Salaries and Expenses, Marine Mammal Commission’’, of which $500,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2005: Provided further, That none of the funds in this Act may be used for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to implement the Department of Commerce’s E Government initiatives. In addition, for necessary retired pay expenses under the Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection and Survivor Benefits Plan, and for payments for medical care of retired personnel and their dependents under the Dependents Medical Care Act (10 U.S.C. ch. 55), such sums as may be necessary. PROCUREMENT, ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION For procurement, acquisition and construction of capital assets, including alteration and modification costs, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $990,127,000, to remain available until September 30, 2006, except for funds appropriated for the National Marine Fisheries Service Honolulu Laboratory and the Marine Environmental Health Research Laboratory, which shall remain available until expended: Provided, That of the amounts provided for the National Polar orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System, funds shall only be made available on a dollar for dollar matching basis with funds provided for the same purpose by the Department of Defense: Provided further, That none of the funds provided in this Act or any other Act under the heading ‘‘National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Procurement, Acquisition and Construction’’ shall be used to fund the General Services Administration’s standard construction and tenant build out costs of a facility at the Suitland Federal Center. PACIFIC COASTAL SALMON RECOVERY For necessary expenses associated with the restoration of Pacific salmon populations, $90,000,000. FISHERIES FINANCE PROGRAM ACCOUNT For the costs of direct loans as authorized by the Merchant Marine Act of 1936: Provided, That such costs, including the cost of modifying such loans, shall be as defined in the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990: Provided further, That these funds are available to subsidize gross obligations for the principle amount of direct loans not to exceed $5,000,000 for Individual Fishing Quota loans, and not to exceed $59,000,000 for traditional direct loans, of which $40,000,000 may be used for direct loans to the United States distant water tuna fleet, and of which $19,000,000 may be used for direct loans to the United States menhaden fishery: Provided 15 USC 1540 note.