Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/1718

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118 STAT. 1688 PUBLIC LAW 108–361—OCT. 25, 2004 the River, including the timing of discharges to optimize their assimilation. (v) ACQUISITION OF WATER.—The Secretary shall incorporate into the program the acquisition from willing sellers of water from streams tributary to the San Joaquin River or other sources to provide flow, dilute discharges of salt or other constituents, and to improve water quality in the San Joaquin River below the confluence of the Merced and San Joaquin Rivers, and to reduce the reliance on New Melones Reservoir for meeting water quality and fishery flow objectives. (vi) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the authority and direction provided to the Secretary under this subpara graph is to provide greater flexibility in meeting the existing water quality standards and objectives for which the Central Valley Project has responsibility so as to reduce the demand on water from New Melones Reservoir used for that purpose and to assist the Sec retary in meeting any obligations to Central Valley Project contractors from the New Melones Project. (vii) UPDATING OF NEW MELONES OPERATING PLAN.—The Secretary shall update the New Melones operating plan to take into account, among other things, the actions described in this title that are designed to reduce the reliance on New Melones Res ervoir for meeting water quality and fishery flow objec tives, and to ensure that actions to enhance fisheries in the Stanislaus River are based on the best available science. (3) WATER USE EFFICIENCY.— (A) WATER CONSERVATION PROJECTS.—Activities under this paragraph include water conservation projects that provide water supply reliability, water quality, and eco system benefits to the California Bay Delta system. (B) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—Activities under this paragraph include technical assistance for urban and agri cultural water conservation projects. (C) WATER RECYCLING AND DESALINATION PROJECTS.— Activities under this paragraph include water recycling and desalination projects, including groundwater remedi ation projects and projects identified in the Bay Area Water Plan and the Southern California Comprehensive Water Reclamation and Reuse Study and other projects, giving priority to projects that include regional solutions to benefit regional water supply and reliability needs. (D) WATER MEASUREMENT AND TRANSFER ACTIONS.— Activities under this paragraph include water measurement and transfer actions. (E) URBAN WATER CONSERVATION.—Activities under this paragraph include implementation of best management practices for urban water conservation. (F) RECLAMATION AND RECYCLING PROJECTS.— (i) PROJECTS.—This subparagraph applies to— (I) projects identified in the Southern Cali fornia Comprehensive Water Reclamation and Reuse Study, dated April 2001 and authorized by Applicability.