Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/2731

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118 STAT. 2701 PUBLIC LAW 108–446—DEC. 3, 2004 ‘‘(1) all children with disabilities who are participating in programs and projects funded under this part receive a free appropriate public education, and that those children and their parents are provided all the rights and procedural safe guards described in this part; and ‘‘(2) the agency meets such other conditions of this section as the Secretary determines to be appropriate. ‘‘(i) DISCIPLINARY INFORMATION.—The State may require that a local educational agency include in the records of a child with a disability a statement of any current or previous disciplinary action that has been taken against the child and transmit such statement to the same extent that such disciplinary information is included in, and transmitted with, the student records of non disabled children. The statement may include a description of any behavior engaged in by the child that required disciplinary action, a description of the disciplinary action taken, and any other information that is relevant to the safety of the child and other individuals involved with the child. If the State adopts such a policy, and the child transfers from 1 school to another, the trans mission of any of the child’s records shall include both the child’s current individualized education program and any such statement of current or previous disciplinary action that has been taken against the child. ‘‘(j) STATE AGENCY FLEXIBILITY.— ‘‘(1) ADJUSTMENT TO STATE FISCAL EFFORT IN CERTAIN FISCAL YEARS.—For any fiscal year for which the allotment received by a State under section 611 exceeds the amount the State received for the previous fiscal year and if the State in school year 2003–2004 or any subsequent school year pays or reimburses all local educational agencies within the State from State revenue 100 percent of the non Federal share of the costs of special education and related services, the State educational agency, notwithstanding paragraphs (17) and (18) of section 612(a) and section 612(b), may reduce the level of expenditures from State sources for the education of children with disabilities by not more than 50 percent of the amount of such excess. ‘‘(2) PROHIBITION.—Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if the Secretary determines that a State educational agency is unable to establish, maintain, or oversee programs of free appropriate public education that meet the requirements of this part, or that the State needs assistance, intervention, or substantial intervention under section 616(d)(2)(A), the Secretary shall pro hibit the State educational agency from exercising the authority in paragraph (1). ‘‘(3) EDUCATION ACTIVITIES.—If a State educational agency exercises the authority under paragraph (1), the agency shall use funds from State sources, in an amount equal to the amount of the reduction under paragraph (1), to support activities authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 or to support need based student or teacher higher education programs. ‘‘(4) REPORT.—For each fiscal year for which a State edu cational agency exercises the authority under paragraph (1), the State educational agency shall report to the Secretary the amount of expenditures reduced pursuant to such paragraph