Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/3399

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118 STAT. 3369 PUBLIC LAW 108–447—DEC. 8, 2004 volunteer organizations, and private businesses, to promote the cultural, national, and recreational resources of the region in order to fulfill their full potential. (b) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this title is to enhance a coopera tive management framework to assist the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, its units of local government, and area citizens in conserving, enhancing, and interpreting the significant features of the lands, water, and structures of the Oil Region, in a manner consistent with compatible economic development for the benefit and inspiration of present and future generations in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania and the United States. SEC. 603. OIL REGION NATIONAL HERITAGE AREA. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is hereby established the Oil Region National Heritage Area. (b) BOUNDARIES.—The boundaries of the Heritage Area shall include all of those lands depicted on a map entitled ‘‘Oil Region National Heritage Area’’, numbered OIRE/20,000 and dated October 2000. The map shall be on file in the appropriate offices of the National Park Service. The Secretary of the Interior shall publish in the Federal Register, as soon as practical after the date of the enactment of this Act, a detailed description and map of the boundaries established under this subsection. (c) MANAGEMENT ENTITY.—The management entity for the Heritage Area shall be the Oil Heritage Region, Inc., the locally based private, nonprofit management corporation which shall over see the development of a management plan in accordance with section 605(b). SEC. 604. COMPACT. To carry out the purposes of this title, the Secretary shall enter into a compact with the management entity. The compact shall include information relating to the objectives and management of the area, including a discussion of the goals and objectives of the Heritage Area, including an explanation of the proposed approach to conservation and interpretation and a general outline of the protection measures committed to by the Secretary and management entity. SEC. 605. AUTHORITIES AND DUTIES OF MANAGEMENT ENTITY. (a) AUTHORITIES OF THE MANAGEMENT ENTITY.—The manage ment entity may use funds made available under this title for purposes of preparing, updating, and implementing the manage ment plan developed under subsection (b). Such purposes may include— (1) making grants to, and entering into cooperative agree ments with, States and their political subdivisions, private organizations, or any other person; (2) hiring and compensating staff; and (3) undertaking initiatives that advance the purposes of the Heritage Area. (b) MANAGEMENT PLAN.—The management entity shall develop a management plan for the Heritage Area that— (1) presents comprehensive strategies and recommenda tions for conservation, funding, management, and development of the Heritage Area; 16 USC 461 note. 16 USC 461 note. Federal Register, publication. 16 USC 461 note.