Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/309

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[119 STAT. 291]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005
[119 STAT. 291]

PUBLIC LAW 109–13—MAY 11, 2005

119 STAT. 291

(b) Section 208 of division F of Public Law 108–447 is amended by inserting before the period at the end the following: ‘‘: Provided further, That such authority shall be limited to emergency use only, and is not to be used to create new programs, or to fund any project or activity for which no funds were provided’’.

118 Stat. 3138.


SEC. 6041. In the statement of the managers of the committee of conference accompanying H.R. 4818 (Public Law 108–447; House Report 108–792), in the matter in title III of division F, relating to the Fund for the Improvement of Education under the heading ‘‘Innovation and Improvement’’— (1) the provision specifying $500,000 for the Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, MS for Hardy Middle School After School Program shall be deemed to read ‘‘Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, MS for a Mississippi Museum of Art AfterSchool Collaborative’’; (2) the provision specifying $2,000,000 for the Milken Family Foundation, Santa Monica, CA, for the Teacher Advancement Program shall be deemed to read ‘‘Teacher Advancement Program Foundation, Santa Monica, CA for the Teacher Advancement Program’’; (3) the provision specifying $1,000,000 for Batelle for Kids, Columbus, OH for a multi-state effort to evaluate and learn the most effective ways for accelerating student academic growth shall be deemed to read ‘‘Battelle for Kids, Columbus, OH for a multi-state effort to implement, evaluate and learn the most effective ways for accelerating student academic growth’’; (4) the provision specifying $750,000 for the Institute of Heart Math, Boulder Creek, CO for a teacher retention and student dropout prevention program shall be deemed to read ‘‘Institute of Heart Math, Boulder Creek, CA for a teacher retention and student dropout prevention program’’; (5) the provision specifying $200,000 for Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax, VA for Chinese language programs in Franklin Sherman Elementary School and Chesterbrook Elementary School in McLean, Virginia shall be deemed to read ‘‘Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax, VA for Chinese language programs in Shrevewood Elementary School and Wolftrap Elementary School’’; (6) the provision specifying $1,250,000 for the University of Alaska/Fairbanks in Fairbanks, AK, working with the State of Alaska and Catholic Community Services, for the Alaska System for Early Education Development (SEED) shall be deemed to read ‘‘University of Alaska/Southeast in Juneau, AK, working with the State of Alaska and Catholic Community Services, for the Alaska System for Early Education Development (SEED)’’; (7) the provision specifying $25,000 for QUILL Productions, Inc., Aston, PA, to develop and disseminate programs to enhance the teaching of American history shall be deemed to read ‘‘QUILL Entertainment Company, Aston, PA, to develop and disseminate programs to enhance the teaching of American history’’;

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