Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/3874

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PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005



Government Organization— Continued Denali Access System Program Advisory Committee, establishment............................. 1516 Electric Energy Market Competition Task Force, establishment............................. 1128 Energy Freedom, United States Commission on North American; establishment........... 1064 Film Preservation Board, National; reauthorization ............................ 224 Investment review board (Justice Department), establishment ..... 2304 Medical Review Board (Transportation Department), establishment............................. 1726 Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee, establishment......... 1748 Motorcyclist Advisory Council, appointment ............................... 1478 National Park System Advisory Board, continued ........................ 2948 Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission, National; establishment............................. 1961 Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission, National; establishment ............ 1471 Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee, establishment........... 922 Unconventional Resources Technology Advisory Committee, establishment........... 922 Building Performance Initiative, National, interagency group to develop; establishment .................... 860 Complex Well Technology Testing Facility, WY; establishment ............ 894 Congress, Office of Compliance officials; term extensions................. 408 Energy Efficiency Technology Transfer Centers, Advanced; establishment .................................. 863 Environmental Excellence, Center for; establishment ................................ 1813 General Counsel (Energy Department), establishment ........... 931 Job Corps, Office of (Labor Department); establishment ......... 2842 Joint working group to review and coordinate missions of NASA and NOAA, establishment.................... 2919 Methamphetamine Task Force (Drug Enforcement Administration), establishment ................................ 2305 Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group, extension ............................................ 19

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Office of patient advocacy on bone marrow and cord blood therapy, establishment directive ................. 2559 Project Finance, Center for Excellence in (Transportation Department); establishment ................................ 1813 Rural Safety, Center for Excellence in; establishment ................................ 1813 Science Technical Advisory Panel, establishment .................................. 709 Smithsonian Board of Regents, appointment............................. 229, 230 Surface Transportation Safety, Center for Excellence in; establishment ................................ 1813 Task force on radiation source protection and security, establishment .................................. 804 Technology Transfer Coordinator (Energy Department), establishment .................................. 926 Technology Transfer Working Group (Energy Department), establishment .................................. 926 Transportation Advancement and Regional Development, Center for; establishment .......................... 1822 Transportation Statistics, Bureau of; transfer to Research and Innovative Technology Administration .............................. 1833 Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (Transportation Department), establishment ......... 1785 Under Secretary (Energy Department), establishment ........... 931 Grains United States Grain Standards Act, reauthorization .............................. 2053 Grant, Ulysses S. ..................................... 451 Greece Naval Vessels Transfer Act of 2005 ................................................ 2575 Green, Ernest......................................... 2676 Guatemala Dominican Republic-Central AmericaUnited States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act .................................................... 462 Gulf of Mexico Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and Pandemic Influenza, 2006 ................................................ 2745 Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 ................................................ 2577

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