Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/795

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[119 STAT. 777]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005
[119 STAT. 777]

PUBLIC LAW 109–58—AUG. 8, 2005

119 STAT. 777

‘‘(1) An Administrator may provide technical assistance to Indian tribes seeking to use the high-voltage transmission system for delivery of electric power. ‘‘(2) The costs of technical assistance provided under paragraph (1) shall be funded— ‘‘(A) by the Secretary of Energy using nonreimbursable funds appropriated for that purpose; or ‘‘(B) by any appropriate Indian tribe. ‘‘(e) POWER ALLOCATION STUDY.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretary of Energy shall submit to Congress a report that— ‘‘(1) describes the use by Indian tribes of Federal power allocations of the power marketing administration (or power sold by the Southwestern Power Administration) to or for the benefit of Indian tribes in a service area of the power marketing administration; and ‘‘(2) identifies— ‘‘(A) the quantity of power allocated to, or used for the benefit of, Indian tribes by the Western Area Power Administration; ‘‘(B) the quantity of power sold to Indian tribes by any other power marketing administration; and ‘‘(C) barriers that impede tribal access to and use of Federal power, including an assessment of opportunities to remove those barriers and improve the ability of power marketing administrations to deliver Federal power. ‘‘(f) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $750,000, non-reimbursable, to remain available until expended. ‘‘SEC. 2606. WIND AND HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY.

Deadline. Reports.

25 USC 3506.

‘‘(a) STUDY.—The Secretary of Energy, in coordination with the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary, shall conduct a study of the cost and feasibility of developing a demonstration project that uses wind energy generated by Indian tribes and hydropower generated by the Army Corps of Engineers on the Missouri River to supply firming power to the Western Area Power Administration. ‘‘(b) SCOPE OF STUDY.—The study shall— ‘‘(1) determine the economic and engineering feasibility of blending wind energy and hydropower generated from the Missouri River dams operated by the Army Corps of Engineers, including an assessment of the costs and benefits of blending wind energy and hydropower compared to current sources used for firming power to the Western Area Power Administration; ‘‘(2) review historical and projected requirements for, patterns of availability and use of, and reasons for historical patterns concerning the availability of firming power; ‘‘(3) assess the wind energy resource potential on tribal land and projected cost savings through a blend of wind and hydropower over a 30-year period; ‘‘(4) determine seasonal capacity needs and associated transmission upgrades for integration of tribal wind generation and identify costs associated with these activities; ‘‘(5) include an independent tribal engineer and a Western Area Power Administration customer representative as study team members; and

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