Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1184

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1132 thEATY WITH THE DELAWARE INDIANS. MAY 30, 1860. ]¤¤¤¤Pi¤*°¥{* ARTICLE VIH. Any stipulation in former treaties inconsistent with $££°'u°m m` those embraced in the foregoing articles shall be of no force or efect. Ex ,,,;,6,,,. ARTICLE IX. As these articles are entered into for the sole use 'and of wgibornc by benefit of the Delaware Indians, it is understood that the expenses meiu‘° I“d"“‘ dent to carrying them into effect shall be defrayed from the funds of said Indians, held in trust for them by the United States. {umm to bg ARTICLE X. The interest accruing to the Delawares under the former Pm Al>¤'l M treaties, and that which may accrue under this. shall be paid ou the first wd 0°° m` of April and October in each year. Signature- In testimony whereoQ the said Thomas B. Sykes, wmmissioner as aforesaid, emd the said delegates of the Delaware tribe of Indmns, have hereunto set their hands and eels, at the place and on the day and year hereinbefcre written. THOMAS B. SYKES, Commissioner, Esau,.'] JOHN CONNOR, Ikad O/zig/Q his x mark. SEAL.] SAB·COX-IE, or The Highest, Assistant Chief his x mark. [s12n..] NE-CON-HE·CON, or Bounding Ahead, Assistant C'h·i¢ his x mark. [SEAL.] ROCK·A-TO-WHA, or Sun Rise, Assistant Ohi¢ his x mark. JAMES CONNOR, or Ah-la-a-chick, his x mark. sun.] Signed in the presence of- Hmmr Tusmw, United States bewprcter, Jnms Fmnnu, Wtnmsu G. Bxmsruw, Snmm. Pxxxasuur, Tuomu S. Gnnvmc. R¢mmion,Juue And, whereas, the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of wv 1°°°· the United States, for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the twenty-seventh of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, advise and consent to the ratification of the same, by a. resolution and with an amendment in the words and figures following, to wit: “IN Exxacurrvxa Smssmn, “SENA'1‘E or rum UNITED Sums, June 27, 1860. “ResoZved, (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring,) That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the ‘articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at Sarcoxieville the thirtieth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty, by Thomas B. Sykes, commissioner ou the part of the United States, and certain chiefs of the Delaware tribe of Indians, with the following amendment: smendmemto At the end of article third, add: It being the intent and meaning of fqg m‘· ""“· the Delawares, in consenting to the sale of their surplus lands to said com- Conditions pany, that they should, in good faith, and within a reasonable time, cou-

31 BWgh<=hi;`•; struct a railroad through their reservation, and to carry out this intent as

to muurm well as to secure so great a public convenience, it is agreed that no patent shall issue for any of these lands, nor shall the sale be binding upon the Delaware Indians or the United States, until the Secretary of the Interior shall be fully satisfied that 2, line of twenty-five miles of the road from Leavenworth City shall have been completed and equipped, when a patent shall issue for one·half of the ascertained quantity. The patent for the residue shall issue only when the said Secretary shall be satisfied that the mad has been, in like manner, completed and equipped to the western