Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1457

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P · sz z · Pm . . "";’g/dig 8% (°°¤¤¥;x¤9d·) _ Przmmjy Schools, (continued.) me _s opmac ers to be exammed 3964 member fl · quah5cat1O¤s,'c€m§cam &c ¤ 396 siomrg lsvytcourc not to be commu- 02 (mm. lft l U , r rusee, .. 4 mac}:;?; gm xers, ... 396 levy court may levy tax for education y employed by school f I trustees, and paid 3 7 0 co cred chnlqrgu, 402 teachers for c0l0red`£:iniI}1}·;e;1;:: 432 act igghgrbprovmlgus gm. such School?) 402 schoobbooks, commissioners to direct cl; · ·e com me- ’ `'`’' '40z’ 403 what Shall be used 395 s 0:1 gnsugcts, fprmauon ot) .. 395, 396 mm, b€c0l1€em’e4.g:;:i;;:1:; 396 £e€i·° °°‘£“g“°“° ‘°""°"’· ····· 3% trustees to provide, ... 397 lpgs 0 V · · · ·I o` l'· ``'````` 397 truzteges oéc school districts; number, Orgagzzxié bgnlgleguggrggmuon, l H333 come, ., ..,. 396 PrimtedMatter SeePos1 · @8. Erohgalrgéaxwixt be, .. . . 402 sent through mails, what may be writwrm Of Gmcé. .. : . . . tintgn, aft}? publication, 11 _ , , . sen · roug post~oH·i· d t: call d to provxde school-houses, books, &c., gr, gow disposed 03.%. fl? . 703 ta . ..

2 fglnaggoy p¤.ytSbe·a?hars,.. .397, 398 Pringgrgslgapgis ge OD, &c , 706, 707

e' s. men 0 moneys to duty on,. . 749 commnssxoners, .. I ,. 898 Printing Public I I · I · I ll “’¤§'T‘T .‘T‘??‘T`T'T? .‘?€ ?¥`T’T’ "’°°"°d` 399 3§E;'XP.‘}2f};?£’ 3’ *35* 35* °5°’ $3 to keep account against district col- Prisoners, P I S em y I `'``` lector, ._ ... 399 puqishmeut of marshal, &c., for voluntamay_requ1re payment from school- nly permitting escape ot) ... 69 chddren, &q., .. Z ... 399 under martial law, in close confinement, to make tax-b1l1s and rata—hsts, 399 _ to be tried within sixty days, ... 736 t0 deliver warrant to collector, 399 Pnsoners Q/` War, form of warrant, ... Z . . . 399 supplies, care, &c. of} . ... 507 toeieporc annually to comrmsswn- 399 supphes, transportation, &c. oi; appros, ... priatiou .. . . .. 644 contents of report, ... 399 list of staée or political prisoners in cusmay take lapd fo; school-houses,. 400 tody to be furnished judges of United proceedings m such cgseg, 400, 401 States courts, .. 755, 756 to be sufPcrv1ggd commmsxoners, when to be discharged, . ... 755, 756 may en orce 1sc1pme, ... oath of allto b ts k .. 755 duties oi as tqcolored schools, 402 egmnce e a EH, 75é magy receive donations, &c., 402 when sureties of the peace may be or, ... . ,.. required, . . 756 penalty for nqaking false certificates, 398 such prisoners under indictment for bailschoolgxouscs, sites for, may be 397 abledotfence 1:0 beladmitted to bail,... 756 cure , . , procee ings w are isn is not furnished, 756 land may be taken for, ... 400 See Habeas Ompus. proceedings in such case,.400 401 Prisons um: to be placed within certain limi 401 forazmgrican convicts ig China, Japan, its, ... an iam money pai by ministers may be used for public worship,. . . 402 &c., for riant; of buildings fqr, to ba; for colored children, .. 402 allowed them in their accounts, 77, 78 taxes, for school purposes, may be lcv- also for wages of keepers, .. .77, 78 ied, ... . ... 397, 402 number of prisons in said countries, . . . 78 upon what to be levied, .. 397 fo1éAmericg1}I` colrgvicts in Japan, Chg1m,] when and how to be col1ected,.397, 400 ia.m,am ur ey, appropriations or, 71, taxlists and rate-bills, ,.. < 399 336 639 collection oi from lands, .. 400 Prison Ship, _ _ , for colored schools, ... 203 P _ in (g1ina.,_ap;gr0pr1at10u for,. .. 21 upon parents ... 0* rwute zammatzons, clerk of levy court to give copies of as- permitted iu_ the District of Columbia, sessmem books to school trustees, 397 iq cases 0{ persons under {hg age pf collector to be elected by ballot, ... 396 eighteen, 1f they request lt m wnrr duty as to collection of taxes, . 397 l11g, .. . . . . 4500, 501 1:0 keep moneys collected by him,. 399 Phvateers, _ r _ form of warrant to, . . 399 not tobe any! under treaty with Bohvm, 304 to give bond for discharge of duty, 400 Private Lapd Chums, to collect taxes which are a charge 400 provisxog forlznxxgeg, @0. 0]% ._l;a;09, 410, 748 on land . . ee n mms, n . penalty on; for neglect, &c. of duty, 401 Przvate Land Claim in New Mexaco, for collecting more than is 402 P conirmed, . . .. . . 887 due, .. . .,. rimtes, duty of, as to mx for education of $2 a mouth to be deducted fiom pay,. . 288, colored children, .. 402 _ _ 2§9 white residents may select schools for m regular army, pay xncreased, ... 3ég their children, &c., 402 to be $13 a month, ... 3