Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1249

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[120 STAT. 1218]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1218]

120 STAT. 1218

PUBLIC LAW 109–286—SEPT. 27, 2006

Public Law 109–286 109th Congress An Act Sept. 27, 2006 [S. 1773] Pueblo de San Ildefonso Claims Settlement Act of 2005. 25 USC 1780 note. 25 USC 1780.

To resolve certain Native American claims in New Mexico, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.

This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Pueblo de San Ildefonso Claims Settlement Act of 2005’’. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS AND PURPOSES.

(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this Act: (1) ADMINISTRATIVE ACCESS.—The term ‘‘administrative access’’ means the unrestricted use of land and interests in land for ingress and egress by an agency of the United States (including a permittee, contractor, agent, or assignee of the United States) in order to carry out an activity authorized by law or regulation, or otherwise in furtherance of the management of federally-owned land and resources. (2) COUNTY.—The term ‘‘County’’ means the incorporated county of Los Alamos, New Mexico. (3) LOS ALAMOS AGREEMENT.—The term ‘‘Los Alamos Agreement’’ means the agreement among the County, the Pueblo, the Department of Agriculture Forest Service, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs dated January 22, 2004. (4) LOS ALAMOS TOWNSITE LAND.—‘‘Los Alamos Townsite Land’’ means the land identified as Attachment B (dated December 12, 2003) to the Los Alamos Agreement. (5) NORTHERN TIER LAND.—‘‘Northern Tier Land’’ means the land comprising approximately 739.71 acres and identified as ‘‘Northern Tier Lands’’ in Appendix B (dated August 3, 2004) to the Settlement Agreement. (6) PENDING LITIGATION.—The term ‘‘Pending Litigation’’ means the case styled Pueblo of San Ildefonso v. United States, Docket Number 354, originally filed with the Indian Claims Commission and pending in the United States Court of Federal Claims on the date of enactment of this Act. (7) PUEBLO.—The term ‘‘Pueblo’’ means the Pueblo de San Ildefonso, a federally recognized Indian tribe (also known as the ‘‘Pueblo of San Ildefonso’’). (8) SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT.—The term ‘‘Settlement Agreement’’ means the agreement entitled ‘‘Settlement Agreement between the United States and the Pueblo de San Ildefonso to Resolve All of the Pueblo’s Land Title and Trespass Claims’’ and dated June 7, 2005.

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