Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1259

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[120 STAT. 1228]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1228]

120 STAT. 1228

PUBLIC LAW 109–286—SEPT. 27, 2006 in the course of their official capacities in carrying out activities on Federal land authorized by law or regulation, and by agents and contractors of Federal agencies who have been engaged to perform services necessary or desirable for fire management and the health of forest resources, including the cutting and removal of vegetation, and for the health and safety of persons on the Federal land. (ii) EASEMENTS.— (I) IN GENERAL.—The Pueblo of Santa Clara shall grant and convey at closing perpetual easements over the existing roads to the United States that are acceptable to the Secretary of Agriculture for administrative access over the Santa Clara Reservation Highway 601 (the Puye Road), from its intersection with New Mexico State Highway 30, westerly to its intersection with the Sawyer Canyon Road (also known as Forest Development Road 445), thence southwesterly on the Sawyer Canyon Road to the point at which it exits the Santa Clara Reservation. (II) MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY.—An easement under this subparagraph shall provide that the United States shall be obligated to contribute to maintenance of the roadway commensurate with actual use. (B) EASEMENTS TO PRIVATE LANDOWNERS.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Pueblo of Santa Clara, in consultation with private landowners, shall grant and convey a perpetual easement to the private owners of land within the Northern Tier Land for private access over Santa Clara Reservation Highway 601 (Puye Road) across the Santa Clara Indian Reservation from its intersection with New Mexico State Highway 30, or other designated public road, on Forest Development Roads 416, 445 and other roads that may be necessary to provide access to each individually owned private tract. (3) APPROVAL.—The Secretary of the Interior shall approve the conveyance of an easement under paragraph (2) upon receipt of written approval of the terms of the easement by the Secretary of Agriculture. (4) ADEQUATE ACCESS PROVIDED BY PUEBLO OF SANTA CLARA.—If adequate administrative and inholder access is provided over the Santa Clara Indian Reservation under paragraph (2), the Secretary of the Interior— (A) shall vacate the inholder access over that portion of Forest Development Road 416 referenced in section 7(e)(5); but (B) shall not vacate the reservations over the Northern Tier Land for administrative access under subsection (c)(2).


25 USC 1780k.


(a) DEMARCATION OF BOUNDARY.—The Pueblo of Santa Clara and the Pueblo may, by agreement, demarcate a boundary between their respective tribal land within Township 20 North, Range 7 East, in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, and may exchange or otherwise convey land between them in that township.

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