Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/140

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[120 STAT. 109]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 109]

PUBLIC LAW 109–171—FEB. 8, 2006

120 STAT. 109

(i) increasing State Medicaid support for home and community-based long-term care services under subsection (c)(5); and (ii) numbers of eligible individuals assisted to transition to qualified residences. (B) QUALITY OF CARE.—The State must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Secretary that it is meeting the requirements under subsection (c)(11) to assure the health and welfare of MFP demonstration project participants. (e) PAYMENTS TO STATES; CARRYOVER OF UNUSED GRANT AMOUNTS.— (1) PAYMENTS.—For each calendar quarter in a fiscal year during the period a State is awarded a grant under subsection (d), the Secretary shall pay to the State from its grant award for such fiscal year an amount equal to the lesser of— (A) the MFP-enhanced FMAP (as defined in paragraph (5)) of the amount of qualified expenditures made during such quarter; or (B) the total amount remaining in such grant award for such fiscal year (taking into account the application of paragraph (2)). (2) CARRYOVER OF UNUSED AMOUNTS.—Any portion of a State grant award for a fiscal year under this section remaining at the end of such fiscal year shall remain available to the State for the next 4 fiscal years, subject to paragraph (3). (3) REAWARDING OF CERTAIN UNUSED AMOUNTS.—In the case of a State that the Secretary determines pursuant to subsection (d)(4) has failed to meet the conditions for continuation of a MFP demonstration project under this section in a succeeding year or years, the Secretary shall rescind the grant awards for such succeeding year or years, together with any unspent portion of an award for prior years, and shall add such amounts to the appropriation for the immediately succeeding fiscal year for grants under this section. (4) PREVENTING DUPLICATION OF PAYMENT.—The payment under a MFP demonstration project with respect to qualified expenditures shall be in lieu of any payment with respect to such expenditures that could otherwise be paid under Medicaid, including under section 1903(a) of the Social Security Act. Nothing in the previous sentence shall be construed as preventing the payment under Medicaid for such expenditures in a grant year after amounts available to pay for such expenditures under the MFP demonstration project have been exhausted. (5) MFP-ENHANCED FMAP.—For purposes of paragraph (1)(A), the ‘‘MFP-enhanced FMAP’’, for a State for a fiscal year, is equal to the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in the first sentence of section 1905(b)) for the State increased by a number of percentage points equal to 50 percent of the number of percentage points by which (A) such Federal medical assistance percentage for the State, is less than (B) 100 percent; but in no case shall the MFPenhanced FMAP for a State exceed 90 percent. (f) QUALITY ASSURANCE AND IMPROVEMENT; TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE; OVERSIGHT.—

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