Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1643

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[120 STAT. 1612]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1612]

120 STAT. 1612

PUBLIC LAW 109–304—OCT. 6, 2006

assignment of the obligor’s insurance claims to the Government. ‘‘(c) OTHER PROVISIONS TO PROTECT SECURITY INTERESTS.— An obligation guaranteed under this chapter and any related agreement must contain other provisions for the protection of the security interests of the Government (including acceleration, assumption, and subrogation provisions and the issuance of notes by the obligor to the Secretary), liens and releases of liens, payment of taxes, and other matters that the Secretary may prescribe. ‘‘§ 53711. Security interest ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may guarantee an obligation under this chapter only if the obligor conveys or agrees to convey to the Secretary a security interest the Secretary considers necessary to protect the interest of the United States Government. ‘‘(b) MULTIPLE VESSELS AND TYPES OF SECURITY.—The security interest may relate to more than one vessel and may consist of more than one type of security. If the security interest relates to more than one vessel, the obligation may have the latest maturity date allowable under section 53710(a)(3) of this title for any of the vessels used as security for the guarantee. However, the Secretary may require such payments of principal prior to maturity, with respect to all related obligations, as the Secretary considers necessary to maintain adequate security for the guarantee. ‘‘§ 53712. Monitoring financial condition and operations of obligor ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall monitor the financial condition and operations of the obligor on a regular basis during the term of the guarantee. The Secretary shall document the results of the monitoring on an annual or quarterly basis depending on the condition of the obligor. If the Secretary determines that the financial condition of the obligor warrants additional protections to the Secretary, the Secretary shall take appropriate action under subsection (b). If the Secretary determines that the financial condition of the obligor jeopardizes its continued ability to perform its responsibilities in connection with the guarantee of an obligation by the Secretary, the Secretary shall make an immediate determination whether default should take place and whether further measures described in subsection (b) should be taken to protect the interests of the Secretary while ensuring that program objectives are met. ‘‘(b) CONTRACT PROVISIONS TO PROTECT SECRETARY.—The Secretary shall include provisions in a loan agreement with an obligor that provides additional authority to the Secretary to take action to limit potential losses in connection with a defaulted loan or a loan that is in jeopardy due to the deteriorating financial condition of the obligor. These provisions include requirements for additional collateral or greater equity contributions that are effective upon the occurrence of verifiable conditions relating to the obligor’s financial condition or the status of the vessel or shipyard project. ‘‘§ 53713. Administrative fees ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall charge and collect from the obligor fees the Secretary considers reasonable for— ‘‘(1) investigating an application for a guarantee; ‘‘(2) appraising property offered as security for a guarantee;

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