Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2082

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[120 STAT. 2051]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2051]

PUBLIC LAW 109–359—OCT. 16, 2006

120 STAT. 2051


(a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator may designate a stewardship site in accordance with this Act any area that contributes to accomplishing the purpose of this Act. (b) PUBLICATION OF LIST OF RECOMMENDED SITES.—The Administrator shall— (1) publish in the Federal Register and make available in general circulation in the States of Connecticut and New York the list of sites recommended by the Advisory Committee; and (2) provide a 90-day period for— (A) the submission of public comment on the list; and (B) an opportunity for owners of such sites to decline designation of such sites as stewardship sites. (c) OPINION REGARDING OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Administrator may not designate an area as a stewardship site under this Act unless the Administrator provides to the owner of the area, and the owner acknowledges to the Administrator receipt of, a comprehensive opinion in plain English setting forth expressly the responsibility of the owner that arises from such designation. (d) DESIGNATION OF STEWARDSHIP SITES.—Not later than 150 days after receiving from the Advisory Committee its list of recommended sites, the Administrator— (1) shall review the recommendations of the Advisory Committee; and (2) may designate as a stewardship site any site included in the list. SEC. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS BY ADVISORY COMMITTEE.

(a) IN GENERAL.—The Advisory Committee shall— (1) in accordance with this section, evaluate applications— (A) for designation of areas as stewardship sites; (B) to develop management plans to address threats to stewardship sites; and (C) to act on opportunities to protect and enhance stewardship sites; (2) develop recommended guidelines, criteria, schedules, and due dates for the submission of applications and the evaluation by the Advisory Committee of information to recommend areas for designation as stewardship sites that fulfill terms of a multi-year management plan; (3) recommend to the Administrator a list of sites for designation as stewardship sites that further the purpose of this Act; (4) develop management plans to address threats to stewardship sites; (5) raise awareness of the values of and threats to stewardship sites; (6) recommend that the Administrator award grants to qualified applicants; and (7) recommend to the Administrator ways to leverage additional resources for improved stewardship of the Region. (b) IDENTIFICATION OF SITES.—

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33 USC 1330 note.


33 USC 1330 note.


PsN: PUBL002