Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2397

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[120 STAT. 2366]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2366]

120 STAT. 2366 Deadline. Reports.

PUBLIC LAW 109–364—OCT. 17, 2006

(b) IMPLEMENTATION PLANS.—Not later than 60 days after the Secretary of Defense receives the independent study required by subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report describing the actions, if any, that the Secretary intends to take to implement the recommendations contained in the study. If the Secretary does not intend to implement any of the recommendations, the Secretary shall explain the basis for this decision. (c) CONDITIONS ON NEW CONTRACT OR EXPENDITURES FOR DEFENSE TRAVEL SYSTEM.—Except to continue operations to provide current services and to perform the functions described in paragraphs (1) through (3), the Secretary of Defense may not initiate a new contract for the Defense Travel System or expend funds for the Defense Travel System until each of the following occurs: (1) The Secretary submits the report required by subsection (b). (2) The Secretary develops firm, fixed requirements for the Defense Travel System. (3) The Secretary develops a schedule to phase out the legacy travel systems made redundant by implementation of the Defense Travel System. SEC. 944. ADMINISTRATION OF PILOT PROJECT ON CIVILIAN LINGUIST RESERVE CORPS.

(a) TRANSFER OF ADMINISTRATION TO SECRETARY OF DEFENSE.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Administration of the pilot project on the establishment of a Civilian Linguist Reserve Corps required by section 613 of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (Public Law 108–487; 118 Stat. 3959; 50 U.S.C. 403–1b note) is hereby transferred from the Director of National Intelligence to the Secretary of Defense. (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Section 613 of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘Director of National Intelligence’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘Secretary of Defense’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘Director’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘Secretary’’. (b) COORDINATION WITH DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN ADMINISTRATION.—Subsection (a) of such section is further amended— (1) by inserting ‘‘(1)’’ after ‘‘PILOT PROJECT.—’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ‘‘(2) The Secretary shall conduct the pilot project in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence.’’. (c) DISCHARGE OF PROJECT THROUGH NATIONAL SECURITY EDUCATION PROGRAM.—Subsection (a) of such section is further amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ‘‘(3) The Secretary shall conduct the pilot project through the National Security Education Program.’’. (d) DURATION OF PROJECT.—Subsection (c) of such section is amended by striking ‘‘three-year period’’ and inserting ‘‘five-year period’’. (e) REPEAL OF SUPERSEDED AUTHORIZATION.—Such section is further amended by striking subsection (f).

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