Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/3224

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[120 STAT. 3193]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 3193]

PUBLIC LAW 109–432—DEC. 20, 2006

120 STAT. 3193

‘‘(B) any fabric or yarn described in paragraph (2)(B) was designated as not being available in commercial quantities, on the basis of fraud, the President may remove the eligibility or designation (as the case may be) of that fabric or yarn with respect to articles entered after such removal. ‘‘(4) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER PROVISIONS.—Subsection (b)(3)(C) applies to apparel articles eligible for preferential treatment under this subsection to the same extent as that subsection applies to apparel articles eligible for preferential treatment under subsection (b)(3). ‘‘(5) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: ‘‘(A) APPLICABLE 1-YEAR PERIOD.—The term ‘applicable 1-year period’ means each of the 12-month periods beginning on October 1 of each year and ending on September 30 of the following year. ‘‘(B) COMMISSION.—The term ‘Commission’ means the United States International Trade Commission. ‘‘(C) ENTER; ENTRY.—The terms ‘enter’ and ‘entry’ refer to the entry, or withdrawal from warehouse for consumption, in the customs territory of the United States. ‘‘(D) LESSER DEVELOPED BENEFICIARY SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN COUNTRY.—The term ‘lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African country’ means— ‘‘(i) a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country that had a per capita gross national product of less than $1,500 in 1998, as measured by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; ‘‘(ii) Botswana; and ‘‘(iii) Namibia.’’. (b) ADDITIONAL PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.—Section 112(b) of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (19 U.S.C. 3721(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ‘‘(8) TEXTILE ARTICLES ORIGINATING ENTIRELY IN ONE OR MORE LESSER DEVELOPED BENEFICIARY SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN COUNTRIES.—Textile and textile articles classifiable under chapters 50 through 60 or chapter 63 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States that are products of a lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African country and are wholly formed in one or more such countries from fibers, yarns, fabrics, fabric components, or components knit-to-shape that are the product of one or more such countries.’’. (c) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.—Section 112(e)(3) of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (as redesignated by subsection (a)(1) of this section) is amended by striking ‘‘subsection (b)’’ and inserting ‘‘subsections (b) and (c)’’. SEC. 6003. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS.

Section 112 of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (19 U.S.C. 3721) is amended as follows: (1) Subsection (b)(5) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ‘‘(C) REMOVAL OF DESIGNATION OF FABRICS OR YARNS NOT AVAILABLE IN COMMERCIAL QUANTITIES.—If the President determines that any fabric or yarn was determined to be eligible for preferential treatment under subparagraph (A) on the basis of fraud, the President is authorized

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