Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/3550

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[120 STAT. 3519]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 3519]

PUBLIC LAW 109–469—DEC. 29, 2006

120 STAT. 3519

‘‘(A) facilitating cooperation among Federal, State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies to share information and implement coordinated enforcement activities; ‘‘(B) enhancing law enforcement intelligence sharing among Federal, State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies; ‘‘(C) providing reliable law enforcement intelligence to law enforcement agencies needed to design effective enforcement strategies and operations; and ‘‘(D) supporting coordinated law enforcement strategies which maximize use of available resources to reduce the supply of illegal drugs in designated areas and in the United States as a whole. ‘‘(b) DESIGNATION.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Director, in consultation with the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security, heads of the National Drug Control Program agencies, and the Governor of each applicable State, may designate any specified area of the United States as a high intensity drug trafficking area. ‘‘(2) ACTIVITIES.—After making a designation under paragraph (1) and in order to provide Federal assistance to the area so designated, the Director may— ‘‘(A) obligate such sums as are appropriated for the Program; ‘‘(B) direct the temporary reassignment of Federal personnel to such area, subject to the approval of the head of the department or agency that employs such personnel; ‘‘(C) take any other action authorized under section 704 to provide increased Federal assistance to those areas; and ‘‘(D) coordinate activities under this section (specifically administrative, recordkeeping, and funds management activities) with State, local, and tribal officials. ‘‘(c) PETITIONS FOR DESIGNATION.—The Director shall establish regulations under which a coalition of interested law enforcement agencies from an area may petition for designation as a high intensity drug trafficking area. Such regulations shall provide for a regular review by the Director of the petition, including a recommendation regarding the merit of the petition to the Director by a panel of qualified, independent experts. ‘‘(d) FACTORS FOR CONSIDERATION.—In considering whether to designate an area under this section as a high intensity drug trafficking area, the Director shall consider, in addition to such other criteria as the Director considers to be appropriate, the extent to which— ‘‘(1) the area is a significant center of illegal drug production, manufacturing, importation, or distribution; ‘‘(2) State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies have committed resources to respond to the drug trafficking problem in the area, thereby indicating a determination to respond aggressively to the problem; ‘‘(3) drug-related activities in the area are having a significant harmful impact in the area, and in other areas of the country; and

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