Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/731

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[120 STAT. 700]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 700]

120 STAT. 700

PUBLIC LAW 109–270—AUG. 12, 2006 ‘‘(iv) AGREEMENT


third and fifth program years covered by the local plan, the eligible agency and each eligible recipient shall reach agreement on the local adjusted levels of performance for each of the core indicators of performance for the corresponding subsequent program years covered by the local plan, taking into account the factors described in clause (v). The local adjusted levels of performance agreed to under this clause shall be considered to be the local adjusted levels of performance for the eligible recipient for such years and shall be incorporated into the local plan. ‘‘(v) FACTORS.—The agreement described in clause (iii) or (iv) shall take into account— ‘‘(I) how the levels of performance involved compare with the local adjusted levels of performance established for other eligible recipients in the State, taking into account factors including the characteristics of participants when the participants entered the program and the services or instruction to be provided; and ‘‘(II) the extent to which the local adjusted levels of performance promote continuous improvement on the core indicators of performance by the eligible recipient. ‘‘(vi) REVISIONS.—If unanticipated circumstances arise with respect to an eligible recipient resulting in a significant change in the factors described in clause (v), the eligible recipient may request that the local adjusted levels of performance agreed to under clause (iii) or (iv) be revised. The eligible agency shall issue objective criteria and methods for making such revisions. ‘‘(B) LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE FOR ADDITIONAL INDICATORS.—Each eligible recipient may identify, in the local plan, local levels of performance for any additional indicators of performance described in paragraph (2)(C). Such levels shall be considered to be the local levels of performance for purposes of this title. ‘‘(C) LOCAL REPORT.— ‘‘(i) CONTENT OF REPORT.—Each eligible recipient that receives an allocation described in section 112 shall annually prepare and submit to the eligible agency a report, which shall include the data described in clause (ii)(I), regarding the progress of such recipient in achieving the local adjusted levels of performance on the core indicators of performance. ‘‘(ii) DATA.—Except as provided in clauses (iii) and (iv), each eligible recipient that receives an allocation described in section 112 shall— ‘‘(I) disaggregate data for each of the indicators of performance under paragraph (2) for the categories of students described in section 1111(h)(1)(C)(i) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and section 3(29) that are served under this Act; and


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