121 STAT. 1408
PUBLIC LAW 110–134—DEC. 12, 2007
title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq.), taking into consideration the language needs of parents of limited English proficient children; ‘‘(9) assisting families, administrators, and teachers in enhancing educational and developmental continuity and continuity of parental involvement in activities between Head Start services and elementary school classes; ‘‘(10) linking the services provided in such Head Start program with educational services, including services relating to language, literacy, and numeracy, provided by such local educational agency; ‘‘(11) helping parents (including grandparents and kinship caregivers, as appropriate) to understand the importance of parental involvement in a child’s academic success while teaching them strategies for maintaining parental involvement as their child moves from Head Start to elementary school; ‘‘(12) helping parents understand the instructional and other services provided by the school in which their child will enroll after participation in the Head Start program; ‘‘(13) developing and implementing a system to increase program participation of underserved populations of eligible children; and ‘‘(14) coordinating activities and collaborating to ensure that curricula used in the Head Start program are aligned with— ‘‘(A) the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework, as developed by the Secretary; and ‘‘(B) State early learning standards, as appropriate, with regard to cognitive, social, emotional, and physical competencies that children entering kindergarten are expected to demonstrate. ‘‘(b) CONSTRUCTION.—In this section, a reference to a Head Start agency, or its program, services, facility, or personnel, shall not be construed to be a reference to an Early Head Start agency, or its program, services, facility, or personnel. ‘‘(c) DISSEMINATION AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall— ‘‘(1) disseminate to Head Start agencies information on effective policies and activities relating to the transition of children from Head Start programs to public schools; and ‘‘(2) provide technical assistance to such agencies to promote and assist such agencies to adopt and implement such effective policies and activities.’’. SEC.
(a) HEAD START COLLABORATION.—The Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9831 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 642A the following: ‘‘HEAD 42 USC 9837b.
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‘‘SEC. 642B. (a)(1) From amounts made available under section 640(a)(2)(B)(vi), the Secretary shall award the collaboration grants described in paragraphs (2), (3), and (4). ‘‘(2)(A) The Secretary shall award, upon submission of a written request, a collaboration grant to each State and to each national administrative office serving Indian Head Start programs and
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