Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/1445

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[121 STAT. 1424]
PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007
[121 STAT. 1424]

121 STAT. 1424

PUBLIC LAW 110–134—DEC. 12, 2007

dkrause on GSDDPC44 with PUBLAW

‘‘(i) assist Head Start agencies in the development of collaborative initiatives with States and other entities within the States, to foster effective professional development systems for early childhood education and development services; ‘‘(ii) provide technical assistance and training, either directly or through a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement with an entity that has experience in the development and operation of successful family literacy services programs, for the purpose of— ‘‘(I) assisting Head Start agencies providing family literacy services, in order to improve the quality of such family literacy services; and ‘‘(II) enabling those Head Start agencies that demonstrate effective provision of family literacy services, based on improved outcomes for children and their parents, to provide technical assistance and training to other Head Start agencies and to service providers that work in collaboration with such agencies to provide family literacy services; ‘‘(iii) assist Head Start agencies and programs in conducting and participating in communitywide strategic planning and needs assessments, including the needs of homeless children and their families, and in conducting self-assessments; ‘‘(iv) assist Head Start agencies and programs in developing and implementing full-working-day and full calendar year programs where community need is clearly identified and making the transition to such programs, with particular attention to involving parents and programming for children throughout the day, and assist the agencies and programs in expediting the sharing of information about innovative models for providing full-working-day, full calendar year services for children; ‘‘(v) assist Head Start agencies in better serving the needs of families with very young children, including providing support and program planning and implementation assistance for Head Start agencies that apply to serve or are serving additional infants and toddlers, in accordance with section 645(a)(5); ‘‘(vi) assist Head Start agencies and programs in the development of sound management practices, including financial management procedures; ‘‘(vii) assist in efforts to secure and maintain adequate facilities for Head Start programs; ‘‘(viii) assist Head Start agencies in developing innovative program models, including mobile and home-based programs; ‘‘(ix) provide support for Head Start agencies (including policy councils and policy committees) that meet the standards described in section 641A(a) but that have, as documented by the Secretary through reviews conducted pursuant to section 641A(c), programmatic, quality, and fiscal issues to address;

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