121 STAT. 360
PUBLIC LAW 110–53—AUG. 3, 2007
‘‘(d) NOTIFICATION TO CONGRESS ON REMOVAL.—If the Secretary removes the senior official appointed under subsection (a) or transfers that senior official to another position or location within the Department, the Secretary shall— ‘‘(1) promptly submit a written notification of the removal or transfer to Houses of Congress; and ‘‘(2) include in any such notification the reasons for the removal or transfer. ‘‘(e) REPORTS BY SENIOR OFFICIAL TO CONGRESS.—The senior official appointed under subsection (a) shall— ‘‘(1) submit reports directly to the Congress regarding performance of the responsibilities of the senior official under this section, without any prior comment or amendment by the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or any other officer or employee of the Department or the Office of Management and Budget; and ‘‘(2) inform the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives not later than— ‘‘(A) 30 days after the Secretary disapproves the senior official’s request for a subpoena under subsection (b)(1)(C) or the Secretary substantively modifies the requested subpoena; or ‘‘(B) 45 days after the senior official’s request for a subpoena under subsection (b)(1)(C), if that subpoena has not either been approved or disapproved by the Secretary.’’. SEC. 803. PRIVACY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES OFFICERS.
(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 1062 of the National Security Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 (title I of Public Law 108–458; 118 Stat. 3688) is amended to read as follows:
dkrause on GSDDPC44 with PUBLAW
42 USC 2000ee–1.
VerDate Aug 31 2005
13:52 Jan 23, 2009
‘‘(a) DESIGNATION AND FUNCTIONS.—The Attorney General, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the head of any other department, agency, or element of the executive branch designated by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board under section 1061 to be appropriate for coverage under this section shall designate not less than 1 senior officer to serve as the principal advisor to— ‘‘(1) assist the head of such department, agency, or element and other officials of such department, agency, or element in appropriately considering privacy and civil liberties concerns when such officials are proposing, developing, or implementing laws, regulations, policies, procedures, or guidelines related to efforts to protect the Nation against terrorism; ‘‘(2) periodically investigate and review department, agency, or element actions, policies, procedures, guidelines, and related laws and their implementation to ensure that such department, agency, or element is adequately considering privacy and civil liberties in its actions; ‘‘(3) ensure that such department, agency, or element has adequate procedures to receive, investigate, respond to, and
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