Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/109

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12 2 STA T .86PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 181 —J A N .28 , 2008 Subti t leB—R e s e rv e Fo r c es Sec .41 1. End stren g t h s f or Selected Reserve. Sec. 41 2 . End strengths for Reserves on a ctive dut y in su p port of the Reserves. Sec. 41 3 . End strengths for m ilitary technicians ( dual status ) . Sec. 414. Fiscal year 2 0 0 8 limitation on number of non - dual status technicians. Sec. 41 5 . M a x imum number of reserve personnel authori z ed to be on active duty for operational support. Sec. 41 6 . Future authorizations and accounting for certain reserve component per- sonnel authorized to be on active duty or full-time N ational G uard duty to provide operational support. Sec. 41 7 . Revision of variances authorized for Selected Reserve end strengths. Subtitle C — A uthorization of Appropriations Sec. 421. Military personnel. Subti t leA— A c ti v e For ce sSEC.401 .E ND S TR EN G T H S FO R A CT IV E FORCES. (a)INGE NE RAL.—TheArm e dFo r c e s are a ut hor iz ed stre ng ths f or acti v e dut yp ersonne l as of S eptem b er 30,2 00 8 , as follo w s

( 1 ) The Army, 5 25, 4 00. (2) The N avy, 32 9 ,098. (3) The M arine C orps, 189,000. (4) The Air Force, 329,5 6 3. (b) LIM I T ATI O N.— (1) ARM Y .—The authorized strength for the Army provided in paragraph (1) of subsection (a) for active duty personnel for fiscal year 2008 is sub j ect to the condition that costs of active duty personnel of the Army for that fiscal year in e x cess of 489,400 shall be paid out of funds authorized to be appro - priated for that fiscal year by section 1514. (2) MARINE C OR PS .—The authorized strength for the Marine Corps provided in paragraph (3) of subsection (a) for active duty personnel for fiscal year 2008 is subject to the condition that costs of active duty personnel of the Marine Corps for that fiscal year in excess of 180,000 shall be paid out of funds authorized to be appropriated for that fiscal year by section 1514. SEC. 40 2 . REVISION IN P ER M ANENT ACTIVE D U T Y END STRENGTH MINIMUM L EVELS. Section 691(b) of title 10, U nited States Code, is amended by stri k ing paragraphs (1) through (4) and inserting the following new paragraphs: ‘ ‘(1) For the Army, 525,400. ‘‘(2) For the Navy, 328,400. ‘‘(3) For the Marine Corps, 189,000. ‘‘(4) For the Air Force, 328,600. ’ ’. SEC. 40 3 . ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY FOR INCREASES OF ARMY AND MARINE CORPS ACTIVE DUTY END STRENGTHS FOR FISCAL YEARS 200 9 AND 2010. (a) A U T H ORITY TO INCREASE ARMY ACTI V E D UTY E N D STREN G THS.—For each of fiscal years 2009 and 2010, the Secretary of Defense may, as the Secretary determines necessary for the purposes described in subsection (c), establish the active-duty end strength for the Army at a number greater than the number other- wise authorized by law up to the number e q ual to the fiscal- year 2008 baseline plus 22,000.