Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1221

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12 2 STA T . 11 98PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 34—M A Y 22 , 2008 SEC.6107 .E XPAN S IO NO F9 11 ACCESS. Section315 o f t h e RuralE lectrification A ctof1 9 3 6(7U. S. C . 9 40 e ) i s a m en d ed to read as follo w s

‘SEC. 3 1 5 . EXPANSION OF 911 ACCESS. ‘ ‘(a) INGE NE RAL . — Su bj ect to subsection (c) and such terms and conditions as the Secretar y may p rescribe , the Secretary may ma k e loans under this title to entities eli g ible to borrow from the Rural Utilities Ser v ice, State or local governments, Indian tribes (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self -D etermination and Edu- cation Assistance Act ( 2 5 U.S.C. 450b)), or other public entities for facilities and e q uipment to e x pand or improve in rural areas— ‘‘(1) 911 access

‘‘(2) integrated interoperable emergency communications, including multiuse networks that provide commercial or transportation information services in addition to emergency communications services; ‘‘(3) homeland security communications; ‘‘(4) transportation safety communications; or ‘‘(5) location technologies used outside an urbani z ed area. ‘‘(b) LO AN SE CU R ITY .—Government-imposed fees related to emergency communications (including State or local 911 fees) may be considered to be security for a loan under this section. ‘‘(c) E M ER G ENCY COMMUNICATION S E Q UI P MENT P RO V I D ERS.— T he Secretary may make a loan under this section to an emergency communication equipment provider to expand or improve 911 access or other communications or technologies described in subsection (a) if the local government that has jurisdiction over the project is not allowed to acquire the debt resulting from the loan. ‘‘(d) AUT H ORI Z ATION O F APPROPRIATIONS.—The Secretary shall use to make loans under this section any funds otherwise made available for telephone loans for each of fiscal years 200 8 through 2012. ’ ’. SEC. 610 8 .E L EC TR IC LOANS FOR RENE W A B LE ENER GY . Title III of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 is amended by inserting after section 316 (7 U.S.C. 940f) the following: ‘‘SEC. 317. ELECTRIC LOANS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY. ‘‘(a) DEFINITION OF RENE W A B LE ENERGY SOURCE.—In this sec- tion, the term ‘renewable energy source’ means an energy conversion system fueled from a solar, wind, hydropower, biomass, or geo- thermal source of energy. ‘‘(b) LOANS.—In addition to any other funds or authorities other- wise made available under this Act, the Secretary may make electric loans under this title for electric generation from renewable energy resources for resale to rural and nonrural residents. ‘‘(c) RATE.—The rate of a loan under this section shall be equal to the average tax-exempt municipal bond rate of similar maturities.’’. SEC. 6109. BON D ING RE QU IRE M ENTS. Title III of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 is amended by inserting after section 317 (as added by section 6108) the fol- lowing: 7USC940g.