Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1470

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12 2 STA T . 1 4 4 7PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 3 4 —M A Y 22 , 200 8‘ ‘ (1)INGE NE RAL.—Notla t er t h a n 1 80d a ys a f ter the date of the ena c t m ent of th i ss ub section , and e v ery 180 days there - after, the head of each a g ency shall submit to the C ommittee on A griculture of the H ouse of R e p resentatives and the Com- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and F orestry of the S enate, and publish on the w ebsite of the D epartment, a report that includes— ‘‘(A) a description of all cases returned to the agency during the period covered by the report pursuant to a final determination of the Division

‘‘( B ) the status of implementation of each final deter- mination; and ‘‘(C) if the final determination has not been imple- mented— ‘‘(i) the reason that the final determination has not been implemented; and ‘‘(ii) the pro j ected date of implementation of the final determination. ‘‘( 2 ) UPD A T E S .— E ach month, the head of each agency shall publish on the website of the Department any updates to the reports submitted under paragraph (1). ’ ’. SEC.140 10. R E PO R T O F C IV I L RI GH TS CO M PL A I N TS , RESOL U TIONS, AN D ACTIONS. Each year, the Secretary shall— (1) prepare a report that describes, for each agency of the Department of Agriculture— (A) the number of civil rights complaints filed that relate to the agency, including whether a complaint is a program complaint or an employment complaint; (B) the length of time the agency too k to process each civil rights complaint; (C) the number of proceedings brought against the agency, including the number of complaints described in paragraph (1) that were resolved with a finding of discrimi- nation; and (D) the number and type of personnel actions taken by the agency following resolution of civil rights complaints; (2) submit to the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutri- tion, and Forestry of the Senate a copy of the report; and ( 3 ) make the report available to the public by posting the report on the website of the Department. SEC. 14011. SENSE OF CONGRESS RELATING TO CLAIMS B ROUGHT B Y SOCIALLY DISADVANTAGED FARMERS OR RANCHERS. It is the sense of Congress that all pending claims and class actions brought against the Department of Agriculture by socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers (as defined in section 3 5 5(e) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act ( 7 U.S.C. 2003(e)), including Native American, Hispanic, and female farmers or ranchers, based on racial, ethnic, or gender discrimination in farm program participation should be resolved in an e x peditious and just manner. SEC. 1401 2 . DETERMINATION ON MERITS OF PIGFORD CLAIMS. (a) DE FI NITI O NS.—In this section


i nformat ion .We b s ite. 7USC2 27 9– 2. Web site. Web site.