Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1506

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12 2 STA T . 1 483PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 234 —M A Y 22 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (2)This s ect i ond oes not ap p lyw hen a stat u tee x plicitly p r o - hi b its usin g ad m inistrati v eo f fset or setoff to collect the claim or type of claim involved .’ ’. (b) AP P LICAT I ON O F A ME N D MENT. — The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to any debt outstanding on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC.142 2 0 . AV A IL A B ILI TYOF E X CESS A ND S URP LUS CO M PUTERS IN RURAL AREAS. I n addition to any other authority , the S ecretary of Agriculture may ma k e available to an organi z ation excess or surplus computers or other technical e q uipment of the D epartment of Agriculture for the purposes of distribution to a city, town, or local government entity in a rural area (as defined in section 34 3(a)( 1 3)(A) of the C onsolidated F arm and R ural Development Act). SEC. 14221. REPEAL OF SECTION 3 0 68 OFT H E W ATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 200 7 . E ffective upon the date of enactment of this Act, section 3 068 of the W ater Resources Development Act of 200 7 ( P ublic L aw 110- 114

121 Stat. 1123), and the item relating to section 3068 in the table of contents of that Act, are repealed. SEC. 14222. DOMESTIC FOOD ASSISTANCE PRO G RAMS. (a) DEFINITION OF SECTION 32.—In this section, the term ‘‘sec- tion 32’’ means section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1 9 3 5 (7 U .S.C. 612c). (b) T R AN S FER TO FOOD AND NU TRITION SER V ICE.— (1) IN G ENERAL.—Amounts made available for a fiscal year to carry out section 32 in excess of the maximum amount calculated under paragraph (2) shall be transferred to the Sec- retary, acting through the Administrator of the Food and Nutri- tion Service, to be used to carry out the Richard B . Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.). (2) M A X IMUM AMOUNT.—The maximum amount calculated under this paragraph for a fiscal year is the sum of— (A)(i) in the case of fiscal year 2009, $ 1,173,000,000; (ii) in the case of fiscal year 2010, $1,199,000,000; (iii) in the case of fiscal year 2011, $1,215,000,000; (iv) in the case of fiscal year 2012, $1,231,000,000; (v) in the case of fiscal year 2013, $1,248,000,000; (vi) in the case of fiscal year 2014, $1,266,000,000; (vii) in the case of fiscal year 2015, $1,284,000,000; (viii) in the case of fiscal year 2016, $1,303,000,000; (ix) in the case of fiscal year 2017, $1,322,000,000; and (x) for fiscal year 2018 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount made available for the preceding fiscal year, as ad j usted to reflect changes for the 12-month period ending on the preceding November 30 in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor; and (B) any transfers for the fiscal year from section 32 to the Department of Commerce under the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742a et seq.). (c) FRES H FRUIT AND V EGETA B LE PROGRAM.— O f amounts made available to carry out section 32 under subsection (b)(2)(A), the 7USC612c–5. 7USC22 0 6 b . 3 1 USC 3716 note .