Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1798

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12 2 STA T . 1 7 7 5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 ‘ ‘ (3)ELIG I B ILI TY.—Tobe e lig ible t o r e c ei v e ap a ym e n t d e s cribed in paragrap h ( 1 ) , a prod u cer shall agree to adopt and maintain bene f icial resource - conserving crop rotations for the term of the contract. ‘‘( 4 ) RESOURC E-CO N SER V ING CRO P ROT A TION.— I n this sub- section, the term ‘resource-conserving crop rotation ’ means a crop rotation that— ‘‘( A ) includes at least 1 resource conserving crop (as defined by the S ecretary)

‘‘( B ) reduces erosion; ‘‘( C ) improves soil fertility and tilth; ‘‘( D ) interrupts pest cycles; and ‘‘(E) in applicable areas, reduces depletion of soil mois- ture or other w ise reduces the need for irrigation. ‘‘(g) P AY M ENT L IMITATIONS.—A person or legal entity may not receive, directly or indirectly, payments under this subchapter that, in the aggregate, e x ceed $20 0,000 for all contracts entered into during any 5 -year period, excluding funding arrangements with federally recogni z ed Indian tribes or Alas k a N ative corporations, regardless of the number of contracts entered into under the pro- gram by the person or entity. ‘‘(h) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall promulgate regulations that— ‘‘(1) prescribe such other rules as the Secretary determines to be necessary to ensure a fair and reasonable application of the limitations established under subsection (g); and ‘‘(2) otherwise enable the Secretary to carry out the pro- gram. ‘‘(i) DATA.—The Secretary shall maintain detailed and seg- mented data on contracts and payments under the program to allow for q uantification of the amount of payments made for— ‘‘(1) the installation and adoption of additional conservation activities and improvements to conservation activities in place on the operation of a producer at the time the conservation stewardship offer is accepted by the Secretary; ‘‘(2) participation in research, demonstration, and pilot pro j ects; and ‘‘(3) the development and periodic assessment and evalua- tion of conservation plans developed under this subchapter.’’. (b) TERMINATION O F CONSERVATION SECURITY PROGRAM AUT H ORITY; EFFECT ON E X ISTING CONTRACTS.—Section 123 8 Aof the F ood Security Act of 1 9 85 (1 6U .S.C. 3838a) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection

‘‘(g) PROHIBITION ON CONSERVATION SECURITY PROGRAM CON- TRACTS; EFFECT ON EXISTING CONTRACTS.— ‘‘(1) PROHIBITION.—A conservation security contract may not be entered into or renewed under this subchapter after September 30, 2008. ‘‘(2) EXCEPTION.—This subchapter, and the terms and conditions of the conservation security program, shall continue to apply to— ‘‘(A) conservation security contracts entered into on or before September 30, 2008; and ‘‘(B) any conservation security contract entered into after that date, but for which the application for the con- tract was received during the 2008 sign-up period. Contrac t s.