Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1917

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12 2 STA T . 1 894PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 24 6—J U NE 18 , 2008 Subti t leD—M i sc ell an e o us SEC.4 4 01 . BIL LE M E R S ON N AT IONAL HU N G ER F ELLO W SAN D MIC K E Y LELAND INTERNATIONAL HUNGER FELLOWS. Section4 4 0 4o f t h e Farm Sec u rit y an dR ura lI n v e s tment A ct of 2 002 ( 2 U. S. C . 1 1 6 1 ) is amended to read as follo w s

‘SEC. 4404. BILL EMERSON NATIONAL HUNGER FELLOWS AND MICKEY LELAND INTERNATIONAL HUNGER FELLOWS. ‘ ‘(a) S HORTTI T LE . — This section may b ecitedasthe‘ B ill E merson N ational H un g er Fellows and M ic k ey L eland International Hunger Fellows P rogram Act of 200 8’ . ‘‘(b) D E F I N ITION S .—In this subsection: ‘‘(1) DIRE C TOR.—The term ‘Director’ means the head of the Congressional Hunger Center. ‘‘(2) FELLO W .—The term ‘fellow’ means— ‘‘(A) a Bill Emerson Hunger Fellow

or ‘‘(B) Mickey Leland Hunger Fellow. ‘‘( 3 ) FELLOWSHI P PRO G R AM S.—The term ‘Fellowshi p Pro - grams’ means the Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship Program and the Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellow- ship Program established under subsection (c)(1). ‘‘(c) FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—There is established the Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship Program and the Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellowship Program. ‘‘(2) P U RPOSES.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The purposes of the Fellowship Pro- grams are— ‘‘(i) to encourage future leaders of the United States— ‘‘(I) to pursue careers in humanitarian and public service; ‘‘(II) to recogni z e the needs of low-income people and hungry people; ‘‘(III) to provide assistance to people in need; and ‘‘(I V ) to seek public policy solutions to the challenges of hunger and poverty; ‘‘(ii) to provide training and development opportunities for such leaders through placement in programs operated by appropriate organizations or entities; and ‘‘(iii) to increase awareness of the importance of public service. ‘‘(B) BILL EMERSON HUNGER FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM.— The purpose of the Bill Emerson Hunger Fellowship Pro- gram is to address hunger and poverty in the United States. ‘‘(C) MIC K E Y LELAN D HUNGER FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM.— The purpose of the Mickey Leland Hunger Fellowship Pro- gram is to address international hunger and other humani- tarian needs. ‘‘(3) ADMINISTRATION.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Sub j ect to subparagraph (B) , the Secretary shall offer to provide a grant to the Congressional Hunger Center to administer the Fellowship Programs. Grants.Bil l Eme rs o n N ational Hu n g er F ello w san dM i ck e yL eland I nternational Hunger Fellows P rogram A ct o f20 0 8 .