Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1974

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12 2 STA T . 1 95 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 ‘ ‘ (5)an ana lysi s ofthecur rent state of colla b orati v e p ublic , private, an d nonprofit participation and invest m ent, and of the strate g ic roles of public, private, and nonprofit entities in the development and implementation of the regional invest - ment strategy

‘‘( 6 ) a section identifying and prioriti z ing vital pro j ects, programs, and activities for consideration by the S ecretary, including — ‘‘( A ) other potential funding sources; and ‘‘( B ) recommendations for leveraging past and potential investments; ‘‘( 7 ) a plan of action to implement the goals and objectives of the regional investment strategy; ‘‘( 8 ) a list of performance measures to be used to evaluate implementation of the regional investment strategy, including— ‘‘(A) the number and q uality of jobs, including self- employment, created during implementation of the regional rural investment strategy; ‘‘(B) the number and types of investments made in the region; ‘‘( C ) the gro w th in public, private, and nonprofit invest- ment in the human, community, and economic assets of the region; ‘‘( D ) changes in per capita income and the rate of unemployment; and ‘‘( E ) other changes in the economic environment of the region; ‘‘( 9 ) a section outlining the methodology for use in inte- grating the regional investment strategy with the economic priorities of the State; and ‘‘( 10 ) such other information as the Secretary determines to be appropriate . ‘‘(c) MAXIMU MAM O U NT O FGR ANT.—A regional investment strategy grant shall not e x ceed $ 150,000. ‘‘(d) CO S TS H ARIN G .— ‘‘(1) I NG E NERA L .—Subject to paragraph ( 2 ), of the share of the costs of developing, maintaining, evaluating, imple- menting, and reporting with respect to a regional investment strategy funded by a grant under this section— ‘‘(A) not more than 4 0 percent may be paid using funds from the grant; and ‘‘(B) the remaining share shall be provided by the applicable R egional Board or other eligible grantee. ‘‘(2) F ORM.—A Regional Board or other eligible grantee shall pay the share described in paragraph (1)(B) in the form of cash, services, materials, or other in- k ind contributions, on the condition that not more than 50 percent of that share is provided in the form of services, materials, and other in- kind contributions. ‘ ‘ SEC.385F . R E GIONAL INNO V A T ION GRANTS P ROGRA M . ‘‘(a) GRANTS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.— T he Secretary shall provide, on a competitive basis, regional innovation grants to Regional Boards for use in implementing projects and initiatives that are identified in a regional rural investment strategy approved under section 3 85E. 7USC20 0 9d d –5.