Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2178

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12 2 STA T . 21 5 5 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 U.S . C . 7912),section 11 0 2o f t h e F oo d , Conse rva tion, and E ner gyA ct of 200 8 ,oras u ccessor section. ‘ ‘ (5 ) DISA S TERCOUN T Y . — ‘‘(A) I N G ENERA L .— T he ter m ‘disaster county ’ means a county inc l uded in the geogra p hic area covered b ya q ualifying natural disaster declaration. ‘‘( B ) INCLUSION.—The term ‘disaster county’ includes— ‘‘(i) a county contiguous to a county described in subparagraph (A)

and ‘‘(ii) any farm in w hich, during a calendar year, the total loss of production of the farm relating to weather is greater than 50 percent of the normal production of the farm, as determined by the Secretary. ‘‘( 6 ) ELIGI B LE P RO D UCER ON A F AR M .— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘eligible producer on a farm’ means an individual or entity described in subpara - graph (B) that, as determined by the Secretary, assumes the production and mar k et risks associated with the agri- cultural production of crops or livestock. ‘‘(B) DESCRIPTION.—An individual or entity referred to in subparagraph (A) is— ‘‘(i) a citi z en of the United States; ‘‘(ii) a resident alien; ‘‘(iii) a partnership of citizens of the United States; or ‘‘(iv) a corporation, limited liability corporation, or other farm organizational structure organized under State law. ‘‘(7) FARM.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘farm’ means, in relation to an eligible producer on a farm, the sum of all crop acreage in all counties that is planted or intended to be planted for harvest by the eligible producer. ‘‘(B) A Q UACULTURE.—In the case of aquaculture, the term ‘farm’ means, in relation to an eligible producer on a farm, all fish being produced in all counties that are intended to be harvested for sale by the eligible producer. ‘‘(C) H ONEY.—In the case of honey, the term ‘farm’ means, in relation to an eligible producer on a farm, all bees and beehives in all counties that are intended to be harvested for a honey crop by the eligible producer. ‘‘(8) FARM-RAISED FIS H .—The term ‘farm-raised fish’ means any aquatic species that is propagated and reared in a con- trolled environment. ‘‘(9) INSURABLE COMMODITY.—The term ‘insurable com- modity’ means an agricultural commodity (e x cluding livestock) for which the producer on a farm is eligible to obtain a policy or plan of insurance under subtitle A. ‘‘(10) L I V ESTOC K .—The term ‘livestock’ includes— ‘‘(A) cattle (including dairy cattle); ‘‘(B) bison; ‘‘(C) poultry; ‘‘(D) sheep; ‘‘(E) swine; ‘‘(F) horses; and ‘‘( G ) other livestock, as determined by the Secretary.