Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/22

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x x i i LISTOFPR O C L AM ATIO N S PROCLAM A TI O ND AT E PA G E 8249. .............. Nation a lPhys i c al F itn e ss an dSp o r ts M onth , 2 0 08 ........ A pr. 29, 2008 ..... 53 05 8250 ............... L a wD ay, U .S.A., 2008 ...................................................... Apr. 30, 2008 ..... 530 6 825 1 ............... National C harter Schools W ee k , 2008 ............................. May 2, 2008 ....... 530 7 8252 ............... Military Spo u se Day, 2008 ................................................ May 5, 2008 ....... 5308 8253 ............... Mother ’ s Day, 2008 ............................................................ May 8, 2008 ....... 5308 8254 ............... National De f ense T ransportation Day and National Transportation Week, 2008. May 9, 2008 ....... 5309 8255 ............... Peace O fficers’ Me m orial Day and Police Week, 2008 .... May 9, 2008 ....... 5310 8256 ............... National Safe B oatin g Week, 2008 ................................... May 15, 2008 ..... 5311 8257 ............... World Trade Week, 2008 ................................................... May 15, 2008 ..... 5312 8258 ............... A Day of Solidarity With the Cu b an People, 2008 .......... May 20, 2008 ..... 5313 8259 ............... National Maritime Day, 2008 ........................................... May 21, 2008 ..... 5314 8260 ............... Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2008 ............................ May 22, 2008 ..... 5315 8261 ............... National H urricane Preparedness Week, 2008 ............... May 23, 2008 ..... 5316 8262 ............... Caribbean - American Heritage Month, 2008 .................... May 29, 2008 ..... 5317 8263 ............... National Homeownership Month, 2008 ............................ May 29, 2008 ..... 5317 8264 ............... Black Music Month, 2008 .................................................. May 30, 2008 ..... 5318 8265 ............... G reat Outdoors Month, 2008 ............................................ May 30, 2008 ..... 5319 8266 ............... I talian Independence Day, 2008 ....................................... May 30, 2008 ..... 5320 8267 ............... National Child’s Day, 2008 ............................................... May 30, 2008 ..... 5321 8268 ............... National Oceans Month, 2008 ........................................... J une 2, 2008 ...... 5322 8269 ............... Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2008 ......................... June 6, 2008 ...... 5323 8270 ............... Father’s Day, 2008 ............................................................. June 12, 2008 .... 5324 8271 ............... Termination of the Ex ercise of Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act With R espect to North K orea. June 26, 2008 .... 5325 8272 ............... To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generali z ed System of Preferences, Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and for Other Purposes. June 30, 2008 .... 5326 8273 ............... FBI Day, 2008 .................................................................... July 14, 2008 ..... 5334 8274 ............... Capti v e Nations Week, 2008 ............................................. July 18, 2008 ..... 5334 8275 ............... 60th Anniversary of the Integration of the United States Armed Forces. July 23, 2008 ..... 5335 8276 ............... Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2008. July 24, 2008 ..... 5336 8277 ............... Parents’ Day, 2008 ............................................................. July 24, 2008 ..... 5337 8278 ............... Women’s E q uality Day, 2008 ............................................ Aug. 22, 2008 ..... 5338 8279 ............... National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2008 ........ Aug. 25, 2008 ..... 5339 8280 ............... Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2008 ............... Aug. 25, 2008 ..... 5340 8281 ............... National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, 2008 ......... Aug. 26, 2008 ..... 5341 8282 ............... National Preparedness Month, 2008 ................................ Aug. 26, 2008 ..... 5342 8283 ............... National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2008. Aug. 27, 2008 ..... 5343 8284 ............... National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2008 ......... Aug. 28, 2008 ..... 5344 8285 ............... National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2008. Sept. 3, 2008 ...... 5345 8286 ............... Patriot Day, 2008 ............................................................... Sept. 8, 2008 ...... 5346 8287 ............... National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2008 ........................ Sept. 12, 2008 .... 5347 8288 ............... National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2008. Sept. 12, 2008 .... 5348 8289 ............... Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week, 2008. Sept. 17, 2008 .... 5349 8290 ............... National POW / MIA Recognition Day, 2008 ..................... Sept. 17, 2008 .... 5350 8291 ............... National Farm Safety and Health Week, 2008 ............... Sept. 18, 2008 .... 5351 8292 ............... Family Day, 2008 ............................................................... Sept. 19, 2008 .... 5351