Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/224

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12 2 STA T . 2 0 1 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Subti t leC—Am e nd ment s t oG ene ra l Contra c tin g Aut h orities ,P rocedures, and L imitations Sec .821 . Plan f or restricting Go v ernment - uni q ue contract clauses on commercial contracts. Sec. 822. Ex tension of authorit y for use of sim p lified acquisition procedures for cer- tain commercial items. Sec. 82 3 . F ive-year extension of authority to carry out certain prototype pro j ects. Sec. 82 4 . Exemption of Special O perations Command from certain requirements for certain contracts relating to vessels, aircraft, and combat vehicles. Sec. 82 5 . Provision of authority to maintain equipment to unified combatant com- mand for joint w arfighting. Sec. 82 6 . M ar k et research. Sec. 82 7 . Modification of competition requirements for purchases from Federal Pris- on I ndustries. Sec. 828. Multiyear contract authority for electricity from renewable energy sources. Sec. 82 9 . Procurement of fire resistant rayon fiber for the production of uniforms from foreign sources. Sec. 83 0 . Comptroller General review of noncompetitive awards of congressional and executive branch interest items. Subtitle D —Accountability in Contracting Sec. 841. Commission on W artime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sec. 842. Investigation of waste, fraud, and abuse in wartime contracts and con- tracting processes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sec. 843. Enhanced competition requirements for task and delivery order contracts. Sec. 844. Public disclosure of justification and approval documents for noncompeti- tive contracts. Sec. 845. Disclosure of government contractor audit findings. Sec. 846. Protection for contractor employees from reprisal for disclosure of certain information. Sec. 847. R equirements for senior Department of Defense officials seeking employ- ment with defense contractors. Sec. 848. Report on contractor ethics programs of Major Defense contractors. Sec. 849. Contingency contracting training for personnel outside the acquisition workforce and evaluations of Army Commission recommendations. Subtitle E—Acquisition Workforce Provisions Sec. 851. Requirement for section on defense acquisition workforce in strategic human capital plan. Sec. 852. Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund. Sec. 853. Extension of authority to fill shortage category positions for certain Fed- eral acquisition positions. Sec. 854. Repeal of sunset of acquisition workforce training fund. Sec. 855. Federal acquisition workforce improvements. Subtitle F—Contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan Sec. 861. Memorandum of understanding on matters relating to contracting. Sec. 862. Contractors performing private security functions in areas of combat oper- ations. Sec. 863. Comptroller General reviews and reports on contracting in Iraq and Af- ghanistan. Sec. 864. Definitions and other general provisions. Subtitle G—Defense Materiel Readiness B oard Sec. 871. Establishment of Defense Materiel Readiness Board. Sec. 872. Critical materiel readiness shortfalls. Subtitle H —Other Matters Sec. 881. Clearinghouse for rapid identification and dissemination of commercial information technologies. Sec. 882. Authority to license certain military designations and likenesses of weap- ons systems to toy and hobby manufacturers. Sec. 883. Modifications to limitation on contracts to acquire military flight simu- lator. Sec. 884. Requirements relating to waivers of certain domestic source limitations relating to specialty metals. Sec. 885. T elephone services for military personnel serving in combat z ones. Sec. 886. Enhanced authority to acquire products and services produced in Iraq and Afghanistan.