Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2254

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12 2 STA T . 22 3 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 ‘ ‘ (5)NONPR O FITE NTIT Y.—Thet e rm ‘ no n p ro fi t entit y’ me a n s any or g ani z ation d es c ri b ed in section 5 01 (c) of the I nterna lR e v en u e C odeof1 986 and e x empt from taxation under 501(a) of that Code that has been formed for the purpose of economic development. ‘‘(6) RE G ION.—The term ‘region’ means the area covered by a Commission as described in subchapter II of chapter 15 7 . ‘ ‘ CHAPTER2— RE GION A L CO M MI S SIONS ‘ ‘ Sec. ‘‘ 1530 1. Establi s hm e n t , membe r shi p ,an d empl oy ees. ‘‘1530 2 . D ecisions. ‘‘15303. Fu nctions. ‘‘1530 4 . A dministrati v epo w ers and e x penses. ‘‘15305. M eetin g s. ‘‘1530 6 . P ersonal f inancial interests. ‘‘1530 7 . T ribal participation. ‘‘1530 8 . Annual report. ‘‘ §1530 1 . E stabli s hmen t , membe r shi p ,an d empl oy ees ‘‘(a) ES T ABL IS HM ENT.—There are established the follo w ing regional Commissions

‘‘(1) The S outheast Crescent Regional Commission. ‘‘( 2 ) The Southwest B order Regional Commission. ‘‘( 3 ) The Northern Border Regional Commission. ‘‘(b) M EMBERSHIP.— ‘‘(1) F E D ERAL AND STATE MEMBERS.—Each Commission shall be composed of the following members: ‘‘( A ) A Federal Cochairperson , to be appointed by the P resident, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. ‘‘(B) The G overnor of each participating State in the region of the Commission. ‘‘(2) ALTERNATE MEMBERS.— ‘‘(A) ALTERNATE FEDERAL C OCHAIRPERSON.—The Presi - dent shall appoint an alternate Federal Cochairperson for each Commission. The alternate Federal Cochairperson, when not actively serving as an alternate for the Federal Cochairperson, shall perform such functions and duties as are delegated by the Federal Cochairperson. ‘‘(B) STATE ALTERNATES.—The State member of a participating State may have a single alternate, who shall be appointed by the Governor of the State from among the members of the Governor’s cabinet or personal staff. ‘‘(C) V OTING.—An alternate member shall vote in the case of the absence, death, disability, removal, or resigna- tion of the Federal or State member for which the alternate member is an alternate. ‘‘(3) COCHAIRPERSONS.—A Commission shall be headed by— ‘‘(A) the Federal Cochairperson, who shall serve as a liaison between the Federal Government and the Commission

and ‘‘(B) a State Cochairperson, who shall be a Governor of a participating State in the region and shall be elected by the State members for a term of not less than 1 year. ‘‘( 4 ) CONSEC U TI V E TERMS.—A State member may not be elected to serve as State Cochairperson for more than 2 consecu- tive terms. Presid e nt.