Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2320

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12 2 STA T . 22 97PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 ap pa rel ar tic le s, i n acc o r d ance w it h the pro g ra m esta b- lished u nder subparagraph (B).F or purposes o f deter- mining the q uantit y of square meter equi v alents under this subparagraph, the conversion factors listed in ‘C orrela- tion


. S . T e x tile and A pparel I ndustry Category System with the H armoni z ed Tariff Schedule of the United States of America, 20 0 8’ , or its successor publications, of the United States D epartment of Commerce, shall apply. ‘‘(B) EARNEDIMPO R T A L LO W AN C E PRO G RAM. — ‘‘(i) E S TA B LIS H MENT.—The Secretary of Commerce shall establish a program to provide earned import allowance certificates to any producer or entity control- ling production for purposes of subparagraph (A), based on the elements described in clause (ii). ‘‘(ii) ELEMENTS.—The elements referred to in clause (i) are the following: ‘‘(I) O ne credit shall be issued to a producer or an entity controlling production for every three square meter equivalents of qualifying woven fabric or qualifying k nit fabric that the producer or entity controlling production can demonstrate that it purchased for the manufacture in Haiti of articles like or similar to any article eligible for preferential treatment under subparagraph (A). The Secretary of Commerce shall, if requested by a producer or entity controlling production, create and maintain an account for such producer or entity controlling production, into which such credits shall be deposited. ‘‘(II) Such producer or entity controlling production may redeem credits issued under sub- clause (I) for earned import allowance certificates reflecting such number of earned credits as the producer or entity may request and has available. ‘‘(III) The Secretary of Commerce may require any textile mill or other entity located in the United States that exports to Haiti qualifying woven fabric or qualifying knit fabric to submit, upon such export or upon request, documentation, such as a Shipper’s Export Declaration, to the Secretary of Commerce— ‘‘(aa) verifying that the qualifying woven fabric or qualifying knit fabric was exported to a producer in Haiti or to an entity control- ling production

and ‘‘(bb) identifying such producer or entity controlling production, and the quantity and description of qualifying woven fabric or quali- fying knit fabric exported to such producer or entity controlling production. ‘‘(I V ) The Secretary of Commerce may require that a producer or entity controlling production submit documentation to verify purchases of quali- fying woven fabric or qualifying knit fabric. ‘‘(V) The Secretary of Commerce may make available to each person or entity identified in documentation submitted under subclause (III) or