Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2381

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12 2 STA T . 2 358PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 252 —J U NE 30 , 2008 (1)OnSept e mb e r 11 ,20 01, terr o r is ts a tta ck e d t h e U nited States, and the bra v e members o f the A rmed F orces of the United States w ere ca l led to the defense of the N ation . (2) Service on active d u t y in the Armed Forces has been especially arduous for the members of the Armed Forces since September 11, 2001. ( 3 ) T he United States has a proud history of offerin g edu - cational assistance to millions of veterans, as demonstrated by the many ‘ ‘ G . I . B ills ’ ’ enacted since W orld War II. E du- cational assistance for veterans helps reduce the costs of war, assist veterans in read j usting to civilian life after wartime service, and boost the United States economy, and has a positive effect on recruitment for the Armed Forces. ( 4 ) The current educational assistance program for veterans is outmoded and designed for peacetime service in the Armed Forces. ( 5 ) The people of the United States greatly value military service and recogni z e the difficult challenges involved in read- justing to civilian life after wartime service in the Armed Forces. ( 6 ) It is in the national interest for the United States to provide veterans who serve on active duty in the Armed Forces after September 11, 2001, with enhanced educational assistance benefits that are worthy of such service and are commensurate with the educational assistance benefits pro- vided by a grateful Nation to veterans of World War II. EDUCATION A L A S SISTANCE F O RM EM B ERSOFT H E ARMED FORCES W HO SER V E AFTER SE P TEMBER 11, 2001 SEC. 5003. (a) EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE AUTHORI Z ED. — (1) IN GENERAL.— P art III of title 3 8 , United States C ode, is amended by inserting after chapter 32 the following new chapter

‘ CHAPTER3 3 — P OS T –9/1 1E DU CAT I O N A L ASSISTANCE ‘ ‘ SUBCHAPTERI—D E F I N ITI O NS ‘‘ Sec. ‘‘ 3 3 01 . D e fin i t i o n s . ‘‘SUBCHAPTER II—EDUCATIONA L ASSISTANCE ‘‘3311. Edu c a tiona l assistance fo r ser v iceint h e A r m ed F orces commencin g on or after Se p tem b er 11 ,2 001

entitlement. ‘‘3312. Educational assistance: duration. ‘‘3313. Educational assistance: amount

pa y ment. ‘‘331 4 . T utorial assistance. ‘‘331 5 . L icensure and certification tests. ‘‘331 6 . Supplemental educational assistance: members w ith critical s k ills or spe - cialty; members serving additional service. ‘‘331 7 . P ublic-private contributions for additional educational assistance. ‘‘331 8 . Additional assistance: relocation or travel assistance for individual relocating or traveling significant distance for pursuit of a program of education. ‘‘331 9 . Authority to transfer unused education benefits to family members. ‘‘SUBCHAPTER III—AD M INISTRATI V E PROVISIONS ‘‘3321. Time limitation for use of and eligibility for entitlement. ‘‘3322. B ar to duplication of educational assistance benefits. ‘‘3323. Administration. ‘‘3324. Allocation of administration and costs.