Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2435

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12 2 STA T . 2 4 12 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 5 2 —J U NE3 0 , 200 8(G)Thetrain in gp r ov i d ed I ra q ipo l i c e and other M in - i s tr y o f Interior forces and the eq u ip m ent used b y such forces . ( H ) The level and effectiveness of the Iraqi S ecurity F orces under the Ministry of D efense in provinces w here the U nited States has formally transferred responsibility for the security of the province to the Iraqi Security Forces under the P rovincial Iraqi C ontrol (PIC) process. (I) K ey criteria for assessing the capabilities and readi- ness of the Iraqi police and other Ministry of Interior forces , goals for achieving certain capability and readiness levels (as well as for recruiting, training, and equipping), and the milestones and notional timetable for achieving these goals, including — (i) the number of police recruits that have received classroom training and the duration of such instruc- tion

(ii) the number of veteran police officers who have received classroom instruction and the duration of such instruction; (iii) the number of police candidates screened by the Iraqi Police Screening Service, the number of can- didates derived from other entry procedures, and the success rates of those groups of candidates; (iv) the number of Iraqi police forces who have received field training by international police trainers and the duration of such instruction; (v) attrition rates and measures of absenteeism and infiltration by insurgents; and (vi) the level and effectiveness of the Iraqi Police and other Ministry of Interior Forces in provinces where the United States has formally transferred responsibility for the security of the province to the Iraqi Security Forces under the Provincial Iraqi Control (PIC) process. ( J ) The estimated total number of Iraqi battalions needed for the Iraqi security forces to perform duties now being underta k en by coalition forces, including defending the borders of Iraq and providing adequate levels of law and order throughout Iraq. (K) The effectiveness of the Iraqi military and police officer cadres and the chain of command. ( L ) The number of United States and coalition advisors needed to support the Iraqi security forces and associated ministries. (M) A n assessment, in a classified anne x if necessary, of United States military requirements, including planned force rotations, through the end of calendar year 20 0 9 . S EC . 920 5 . (a) R E PORTBY SECRET A RYO F DEFE NS E.— N ot later than 3 0 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report that contains individual transition readiness assessments by unit of Iraq and Afghan security forces. The Sec- retary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense commit- tees updates of the report required by this subsection every 90 days after the date of the submission of the report until O ctober