Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2680

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12 2 STA T . 2 657PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 89—J UL Y3 0 , 2008 Sec.2146 . Insura nce p re mi ums. Sec. 214 7 . T ec h nica l c o rrec t ions. Sec. 214 8 . R e v ision o f un d er w ritin g criteria. Sec. 214 9 . P rohi b ition against k ickbacks and unearned fees. Sec. 21 50 . L easehold re q uirements. TITL E II —MO RT GA GE F ORE C LOS U RE PROTECTIO N S FOR SER V ICEMEM B ERS Sec. 2201. Temporar y increase in ma x imum loan guaranty amount for certain housing loans guaranteed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Sec. 2202. Counseling on mortgage foreclosures for members of the Armed Forces returning from service abroad. Sec. 220 3 . Enhancement of protections for servicemembers relating to mortgages and mortgage foreclosures. TITLE III—EMERGENC Y ASSISTANCE FOR T H ERE D EVELOPMENT OF ABANDONED AND FORECLOSED HOMES Sec. 2301. Emergency assistance for the redevelopment of abandoned and fore - closed homes. Sec. 2302. Nationwide distribution of resources. Sec. 2303. Limitation on use of funds with respect to eminent domain. Sec. 2304. Limitation on distribution of funds. Sec. 2305. Counseling intermediaries. TITLE IV—HOUSING COUNSELING RESOURCES Sec. 2401. Housing counseling resources. Sec. 2402. Credit counseling. TITLE V—MORTGAGE DISCLOSURE IMPROVEMENT ACT Sec. 2501. Short title. Sec. 2502. Enhanced mortgage loan disclosures. Sec. 2503. Community Development Investment Authority for depository institu- tions. TITLE VI—VETERANS HOUSING MATTERS Sec. 2601. Home improvements and structural alterations for totally disabled mem- bers of the Armed Forces before discharge or release from the Armed Forces. Sec. 2602. Eligibility for specially adapted housing benefits and assistance for members of the Armed Forces with service-connected disabilities and in- dividuals residing outside the United States. Sec. 2603. Specially adapted housing assistance for individuals with severe burn in- j uries. Sec. 2604. Extension of assistance for individuals residing temporarily in housing owned by a family member. Sec. 2605. Increase in specially adapted housing benefits for disabled veterans. Sec. 2606. Report on specially adapted housing for disabled individuals. Sec. 2607. Report on specially adapted housing assistance for individuals who re- side in housing owned by a family member on permanent basis. Sec. 2608. Definition of annual income for purposes of section 8 and other public housing programs. Sec. 2609. Payment of transportation of baggage and household effects for members of the Armed Forces who relocate due to foreclosure of leased housing. TITLE VII—SMALL PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITIES PAPER W OR K REDUCTION ACT Sec. 2701. Short title. Sec. 2702. Public housing agency plans for certain qualified public housing agen- cies. TITLE VIII—HOUSING PRESERVATION Subtitle A—Preservation Under Federal Housing Programs Sec. 2801. Clarification of disposition of certain properties. Sec. 2802. Eligibility of certain projects for enhanced voucher assistance. Sec. 2803. Transfer of certain rental assistance contracts. Sec. 2804. Public housing disaster relief. Sec. 2805. Preservation of certain affordable housing. Subtitle B—Coordination of Federal Housing Programs and Tax Incentives for Housing Sec. 2831. Short title.